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  1. Thnak you all. Yes, that was my question in general. Last 2 relationships i had, ended because girls were cheating on me. I approached them becouse of their sexuall attractivnes. They were hot, i approached, we het it off. I find their character apealing, and we were in relationship. First relatinship lasted 4y, last 3y. They were really goodlooking by enyone standards, so the thing that attracted me to them, coused and of relationships. I dont "control" my partners, and they were free to go out with their girlfends. So they did, and someone else approached them (out of sexy looks and vibes), and I was cheeted. So my question is , am i doing something wrong ? Maybe i should NOT approach that sexy woman, becouse other man will do the same when i am not arround. During my relationships, i was not abile to detect them, as a person that would cheat (i dont). One can say that i did a poor job of taking care for a woman, and there is a reason for cheating on me. But who knows Lpve prevails - i did not mean to offend you. Sorry if you get thet vibe from me.
  2. It matteres because it does not make the job done. 4th person WONT talk to you if they see wou went to 3 girls before her. So if ypou go to meet, and they wont talk to you .- then it matters. Right ? Well other places like work or so, commes naturaly, so if i angage a woman on work place, offcourse i talk to her. From STephan videos, i somehow find that he is somewhat against aproaching to women if you find them sexy. I cant approach to one i find smart, becouse i dont know if she is smart - before i talk to her And from 10 girl, i approach one i like from the outside. Maybe its the wrong thing to do in STepans opinion.
  3. I didn know you can email him just like that. I didnt say i dont respect it. I you get answer from a school profesor, it does not mean you dont respect him if you ask Einstein the same quest After all, i find him authority in this field. He wrote books, we are on his forum and so on. Maybe his answer will be the same as yours. But if he said it - i would find it "more" good, then frome someone elese i dont know. I appriciate your effort. I can not approach every single gir. I think i wrote an argument why. If you approach 3 girls in a bar, a 4th one will say you are a player and want talk to you, when shi saw you approach first 3. I never hawe only sex in minde with girls. I have 36y and want to start a family, so sex is not first thing on my mind.
  4. It does not. My question was on which basis do I choose who do I aproach ? If not to someone who i am attracted to, to who do i approach ? I can not approach every woman in the bar. You cant eaven approach 2-3. When woman ssee that, they call you "the guy who goes from flower to flower". Not to disrespect your oppinion, but is ti possible to ask question directly to Stephan ? Does this forum has some procedure in which I could ask Stephan my question directly ? Regards, ROmanCRO
  5. Hello, first i want to apologize for my spelling mestakes. Im from Croatia, so please excuse my "french" I have a question regarding relationships. I did read, and listen to Stephan, and I agree about his point of view. Men look for sexy partner, women look for financial situated partner. Instead of finding partner that has virtues to offer, instead of big breast and so on. I am 36y old (not married), and I did approach women in my life , which i find sexually atractive. So my question would be..- Who should i approac ? When in a bar, or in place where ppl meets. If i dont approac woman that i like (from out side), who else ? Should i approuch "less" pretty woman, in hope that she is a better person in side ? And what if I meet that woman. Who has planty of virtues ( trustworthy, onest..), and has ol what it takes for a home run, but i find her sexually unatractive ? I finde sex a big part od relationships, so i dont think i could be in a relationship/merriage with "the most virtous, best women in a world", if I dont find her sexually attractive. Can you offer some advice ? Thank you, RomanCRO
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