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  1. Sorry for getting (and staying) off topic... But Jeff Berwick is ok, it seems that he offended some tsa actor's sensibilities by referring to such people as thieves when they took some guy's duty free goods. Other than the inconvenience, there were no other repercussions, just a plain tsa tantrum. Although, his extra time there gave him an opportunity to help someone pay a surprise $150 fee that could have stranded them at the airport.
  2. I think our little misunderstanding has come from an attempt at wordplay that I made in this facebook exchage. When I was agreeing with my friend, I was only agreeing on the point about imposition.If this doesn't take us too far off point, I'd like to ask: If, in an instant, 100% of human interaction became 100% voluntary and nothing else changed, would you still characterise society as completely lacking stability and prosperity?
  3. Jeff Berwick, the guy that did The Anarchast interview with him, has very recently been pulled off a flight back to Mexico by criminals doing business as tsa. https://www.facebook.com/jberwick/posts/10152496834040041
  4. There's a youtube channel called The Anarchast that I've been checking out and recently That Guy T was interviewed - Anarchast Ep. 137 That Guy T: Zombies made me an Anarchist! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npv9bkGDbKQ He seems to have a fairly well maintained online presence as well as a sense of humour - Feminists be like... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBJF9cmud8k https://twitter.com/_ThatGuyT https://www.facebook.com/ThatLibertarianT
  5. I wouldn't be too quick to tar the entire gay community or even the Pride event committee for this. They're a tight knit community out of necessity and I'll bet dollars to donuts that there's a reactive feminist element in that committee that brought this outcome.
  6. To paraphrase: 'Taxation lacks the quality of illegality because the government does it and therefore isn't theft'. Someone's been getting their inspiration from Richard Nixon.
  7. ok. This is where a little more feedback helps. In what you quoted back to me, we're focused on two different things. Please forgive me for not wanting to draw a line through the shades of grey that describe the various quantities and qualities of stability and prosperity. Some people, like my facebook friend, will argue that society is stable and prosperous, others will take the opposite position. But what I was focused on was the imposition of order and that my friend even recognised that it is imposed. Also, I may well be too concise for some on this forum but I much perfer that to being tl;dr.
  8. Well thank you very much! <minor winge> That sure beats how I seem to be attracting negative reputation with no meaningful feedback in this thread - not sure what I'm supposed to learn from that... </minor winge> btw Is 'theyounger' a RAW / The Illuminatus! reference?
  9. The law, aside from being Judge Dredd's porn name, is an opinion backed by a gun. Whether theft, murder, rape, kidnapping... be deemed legal or illegal makes no difference to the people victimised in these ways. Try not to confuse legal with moral - allowing statist mind tricks to inform the perception of right and wrong leads people into labyrinthine bs.
  10. I forgot to post this the first time... If you don't want to fight the tax fight but still want to stick it to 'em, check out the affidavit of fear - http://marcstevens.net/projects/affidavitoffear/affidavit-of-fear.html I just read a comment elsewhere that jogged my memory and it probably deserves its own thread but, for those having children and also having doubts about the true intentions of others insisting that you register the birth... Wait a while. Wait until you get that demanding, threatening letter in the mail - then you will have actual evidence of coercion to throw back in the face of anyone that claims you or your child consented to anything.
  11. With the NAP in mind, Marc Stevens questions IRS bureaucrats (police, lawyers and so forth) on a regular basis. He often refers to Lysander Spooner and, just recently, I had occasion to broadcast a Spooner quote too - http://ondemand.4zzzfm.org.au/the-little-v/2014-06-21 There's a lot of material on Marc's site: http://marcstevens.net and he has a long running, weekly radio show here: http://lrn.fm/shows/#NSP He's even had Stephan as a guest a few times in the past.
  12. OP, are you objective enough to know the difference between working and indulging a hobby? Do you have any siblings? I ask because I'm curious about their opinion of your lifestyle.
  13. The key word there is imposition.
  14. I think it would help if we're both clear about the meanings of the words we're using. First, I go out of my way to separate anarchy and socialism. To me, anarchy is best understood by its root meaning: no ruler(s). If it helps to equate that concept with something else, think about whether a particular interaction is voluntary. Perhaps you won't easily share this point of view but, to the extent that someone enjoys voluntary interaction and seeks to resist, reduce and / or remove involuntary interaction from their life, they are an anarchist. Again, the idea that true freedom means freedom for strong aggressors at the expense of all the freedom of weaker people is actually the opposite of freedom - it's oppression. I do agree with you about the imposition of order but I don't agree that it's the only way to achieve a stable, prosperous society.
  15. Marc Stevens is an anarcho-capitalist that focuses on legal material / the legal system - he has a very comprehensive site, lots of freely available content to check out - http://marcstevens.net/
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