"Faith is a synonym for Error. Just as god is a synonym for that which does not exist." -Stefan Molyneux
Proofs for God Destroyed by a Philosophical Atheist
HI-DEF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB4vi6gRM70&fmt=18 A philosophical examin...See more
23 January at 22:52 · Like · Remove Preview
Amos Block Once again, a blatantly inappropriate analogy. 2+2 is demonstrably not 5. The non-existence of God is NOT a demonstrable fact (nor is the existence, but that's beside the point).
23 January at 22:54 · Like · 1
Danny Maguire However, Amos, the fact that existence is not demonstrable is the same thing as non-existance. Not being able to demonstrate the existence, demonstrates the non-existence. As for my analogy, it was used to convey the idea that it is possible to vocally disagree with somebodies belief system without intending to insult or degrade that person.
23 January at 23:01 · Like
Amos Block No, it is not. Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence. That's not a matter of opinion, or rhetoric, but a simple fact. Your analogy compares a system in which one of the two opinions is measurably, demonstrably untrue. This is not the same as the question of the existence or non existence of God.
23 January at 23:02 · Like · 1
Danny Maguire Then ignore the analogy. The point remains, it is possible to vocally disagree with somebody without intending to insult or degrade them. If I tell you there is a 45 ft pink unicorn in the room, but you can't touch it, hear it, taste it, feel it, see it or smell it, then it doesn't exist. The fact that there is a 100% absence of any evidence of it's existence, doesn't mean that there may still be a 45ft pink unicorn in the room. It means it doesn't exist.
23 January at 23:05 · Like
Amos Block And on and on with the obnoxious analogies, but OK, I'll ignore that one too. It is possible to vocally disagree with somebody without intending to insult or degrade them. I don't disagree with this, nor have I made any statements that contradict it....See More
23 January at 23:16 · Unlike · 1
Danny Maguire So you agree that it is possible to "vocally disagree with somebody without intending to insult or degrade them." Then how can you confidently assert that that Molyneux is degrading or insulting other peoples faith based solely on the quote above? The mistake we made in this analogy game is that we did not begin with agreed upon definitions.
23 January at 23:31 · Like
Danny Maguire It seems we have differing definitions for 'existence'
23 January at 23:33 · Edited · Like
Russell Donald Hey Danny, just so you know, I am not offended. Oh, and God loves you