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Everything posted by dale_edg

  1. The US were very quick to try and blame Russia with no proof, as soon is it came on the news i knew it wouldn't be long before they did. This would of been a perfect false flag for the US to commit and blame Russia to start a war or just defeat them propaganda wise. I realize thats a pretty out there Alex Jones style theory but it is possible i think. It also took Israels attack on gaza out the news.
  2. I do find him funny, it's nice to see someone mocking the system but he is a socialist at the moment and thinks there really is austerity going on in the UK, i hope he comes to his senses. Good talk he had with alex jones here:
  3. I think a good way to protest is maybe just to spoil the paper by maybe just writing Anarchy with a X next to it or something, i think a lot of non voters wouldn't mind doing that and it might catch on, it's a good opportunity to stick your finger up at them.
  4. Watched this recently, about a guy from a young offenders prison who gets moved to an adult prison and the therapist who doesn't actually work for the prison but volunteers, tries to turn his life for the better and he faces a lot of resistance from the prison governer who obviously has a interest of keeping people in the prison system and his dad (who has life in prison) who i guess doesn't like the idea of him bettering him. Well worth watching
  5. Saw this a few weeks ago, it's like a trip watching it, very wierd indeed. I think i'm right in saying that regime had full US support as well.. shocker
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