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    Las Vegas, NV
  • Interests
    history, politics, video games, economics & target shooting
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  1. Hello everyone, I would like your opinion on this issue. A lot of my leftist friends say that in Europe (mainly in Denmark) McDonald's workers make equivalent to $45,000 a year, have paid vacation and able to unionize (see the meme in the attachment). Would this policy work in the United States? Why or why not? Of course most leftists would respond with "McDonalds is a multi-billion dollar corporation and can afford to pay their workers more." Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
  2. When discussing politics or economics with a statist or Marxist what economic or political theories do you like to throw at them? Do you have a top 5 list?
  3. Here are some more questions I have about the whole system: 1)With the Federal Reserve system why do we account for the 17+ trillion dollar national debt and yearly trillion dollar budget deficits? 2)What is the purpose of keeping track of the debt and deficits? 3)Should Americans be concerned about the estimated 100 trillion dollars it will cost for future entitlement programs such as Social Security & Medicare? 4)What if President Obama does an executive order or Congress passes a law requiring the Treasury Department to reset the national debt to zero? Will there be any negative consequences to the economy if that ever happened? 5)Could the Federal Reserve create an 17 trillion dollars worth of money out of thin air to "pay off" the debt? I know it's a lot of questions, but I'm interested to know what everyone thinks.
  4. Thanks for the great input so far, it's very helpful.
  5. Hello everyone! I've been learning more about the role of the Federal Reserve, I watched tons of videos on YouTube and even read Rep. Ron Paul's "End the Fed" book. I was wondering if someone could take the time and answer some of these questions that I can't seem to get a solid answer for. 1) What caused bank runs and panics prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve? Did the Federal Reserve solve the problems of preventing future bank runs? 2) Was there fractional reserve banking when the US was on the gold standard, prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve? Can fractional reserve banking be sustainable or is full reserve banking the best option for a sound monetary policy? 3) If the Federal Reserve is really a private bank ran stockbrokers and private bankers aren't they aware of the inflation caused by their policies? Aren't they hurting their own agenda? 4) If our currency is considered fiat does that mean our 17 trillion dollar + is fake and shouldn't exist? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!
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