I can think of all kinds of problems that would arise as a result of not having government, just as I can think of all ikinds of problems that would be solved by not having government.
But I will instead respond to the view that government is immoral since it is prediated on the initiation of force. While this may be true, it is a blanket statement since it ignores whether the use of said force is offensive or defensive. I doubt many people would have qualms with a police officer acting to save a life, for example. This is an example of defensive force. Cops harassing citizens in one way or another is an example of offensive force.
The question in my mind is, would it be possible to construct a purely defensive government? I am talking about a government that uses force ONLY to protect rights. The "constitution" could be written in such a way that the government's sole power is that of defending the right of self-determination and private property.
My belief is that most people want to do the right thing and get along. Yes, raising children the right way would solve may social problems. But I also believe that human beings, despite the best upbringings, are still capable of deceit, fraud, violence, etc. Such people need to be brought to justice. It's easy to conjecture about DROs, but the reality is without an enforcement mechanism, the DROs decision carries no force.
Even after reading about this it's still not clear what the heck it is.
Bu there would not be a world in which NOBODY accepts grenades and other heavy arms as legitimate. There would always be at least SOME people who would seek these things out...and use them.