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    Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  • Interests
    collecting useless facts on the Internet
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  1. Now everything works just perfect! Yay!
  2. That's a very good point! Governments are usually very bad at keeping information secure.
  3. Don't you love communist Russians? Just kidding.
  4. Here's an abstract from some studies published by U.S. National Library of Medicine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20927736 MAIN RESULTS: Thirty five studies met the inclusion criteria. Compared with controls, the relative reduction in average speed ranged from 1% to 15% and the reduction in proportion of vehicles speeding ranged from 14% to 65%. In the vicinity of camera sites, the pre/post reductions ranged from 8% to 49% for all crashes and 11% to 44% for fatal and serious injury crashes. Compared with controls, the relative improvement in pre/post injury crash proportions ranged from 8% to 50%. I'm not very good at interpreting study results, but in this case it's obvious that speed cameras help save lives. The source seems to be trusted also. For what it's worth, the German government is one of the best out there, but as any other government it doesn't care much about well-being of its citizens. Maybe, that's why they don't put cameras everywhere. And because people generally don't like speed cameras, nobody pushes for their deployment all over the roads.
  5. On one hand, speed cameras violate one's rights for privacy and also limit one's freedom to choose the speed of their vehicle. So, cameras are against what libertarians stand for. On the other hand, cameras have proved to be quite effective in lowering the number of car accidents (up to 50% in some cases). So, my question is — are you against or for speed cameras? Could you please explain your answer.
  6. Hey, guys! Let me start with acknowledging the fact that I'm not a technical person and I don't have enough brain power to fully understand the complications of technological advancements such as Ethereum. I just have a gut feeling it's going to change the world. I would really appreciate if you took a look at it and shared some of your thoughts on the matter. Here's a great article http://www.itworldcanada.com/article/ethereum-offers-platform-for-decentralized-enterprise-applications/376337 Thank you!
  7. Hey, dudes! Great idea!
  8. I just have this fear that if all regulations are gone all small businesses will eventually be absorbed by one huge corporation. It seems inevitable to me. This corporation will be highly efficient. The highest virtue will be efficiency. It's just in our nature to strive for it. Do you fear that our world will eventually become somewhat similar to "brave new world" where the rulers genetically engineer workers and dispense special drugs to keep them complacent?
  9. Hey, guys! I'm so happy I have finally found the community I can blend in without having to feel confused and misunderstood. The libertarianism is awesome! You just have to be an honest and compassionate person to see that it's the best political philosophy ever! Nice to meet you all!
  10. The MP was attacked for pointing out mistakes the new government had made. He was pro-Russian in his speech and this fact outraged some far-right individuals. I can't understand how can the west sit down and do nothing when the basic principles of democracy are being ignored.
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