Thanks! you are making sense to me.. and you have confirmed my belief that the problem is within me.
yes, i should know this by now, listening to allot of the shows.. but i some how doubted this and went with "she is the problem" ... lack of self knowledge maybe?
it is not here fault, she is open and inviting to speak to, but i have this blockage when it comes to speaking to a loved one, and i think it stems from childhood and school, i never felt i could speak my mind without fear of consequences.. i have had this with other girlfriends and my parents.
disgusting is not the right word.. when i said that all allot of the immigrants are up to no good, she would say "you can't judge all by some's action" and i would reply "in this case you can't get to know them all and then throw the bad ones out" and that is when i would feel it, she resented..
it is not a problem for me to have this in this thread, i am interested also
yes i have that same thing with friends, we can ague and debate differing point of view and no problems there. this is something that happens to me when i should talk to here.
could it be the fear of loosing my girlfriend if i speak my mind, is the same as from childhood when i could not assert myself from fear of imaginary abandonment?
Thanks allot you guys! time is up in a day now, it is a time i set when stalling for time the last time we talked about it, and she has been way to patient with me already. (i don't think she cares about the time, she just wants to push me out of this inability to be me)
i think i am going forward with my new perspectives and try to talk to here about this soon.
but please if you think of something, just post it and i will read as soon as possible
you have been a grate help to me!