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  1. As a kung fu fighter myself I attest: All fighting scenes are legit and in good accordance with the ancientkung fu practices. Can hardly wait for the release
  2. ***********Warning: Combat scene. There will be graphic (digital) violence.******* The rogue placed a hand on the fighter should and said "Fight we will my friend, but lets save your blood for the fight later; For now, lets us rogue" "Prixie" called the Magus "I heard wondrous things about fey link with nature magic, perhaps you could use some" Prixie looked at the fighter, who was now holding an red strained handkerchief and he shot her a reassuring smile "Yes... In a way you are right" Said Prixie "Each fey is born with a 'gift'. It is different from what you humans call magick, but it is of same effect. My gift however is weak amount my race... I have the gift of forest, I am connected with the trees and with the rivers in a way I cant translate to your language. I am sorry I cant be useful... "Don't be at all, that will suffice. Hence is what shall be done" Whispered the rogue to their companions. ***Some time later***** The soldiers path is blocked by a lone fighter. Some of soldiers have been ill since mourning and are unable to fight. Had not their commander suspected something was off with their water, all of them might have become incapacitated(Insight roll of 17), only 10 of them were effected. Its unthinkable that one man would dare to defy such a might collective by himself. But why? Why is that even with their overwhelming numbers the fighter is proving to be quite a challenge. The first soldiers that tried to cut him down where soon stricken away. Now they assumed a more safe tactic; to circle him to attack from behind. Doing so was not so easy, the warrior guard was almost impenetrable, and he seems to have chosen a tight spot surrounded by trees on purpose. But almost impenetrable is not impenetrable. Even if he could deflect 4 attacks, the fifth would draw his blood. Even if he could strike down one soldier, two took his place into the formation. Little by little the soldiers where able to gain on him, and with a swift move a soldier was able to reach his back. Fresh blood mixed with the dirty in the ground. Was it finally over? No, the fighter somehow was still standing. How? How can he fight someone at his back. A new try, this time for sure... Another bites the dust! This time however, the commander could understand what was happening. There was a rogue hidden under the fighter shadow, and he would strike from unseen angle all those who would dare to approach. The commandant had grow impatient. Losing 15 soldiers just to take out a lone fighter and a rogue? Inconceivable!. What could he do? The fighter was taking his tool, there was still 45 under his command. He would not tolerate it any further. "All Charge!" Roared the commander. (Tactics roll of 14). And so they did. Since it passage was narrow, they had to assume a tight, straight line formation. Their power however, broke out the warrior guard and made he fall to his knees. The rogue was exposed and soon slashed down. The only thing that was left, was the finishing blow the soldiers raised their might swords triumphantly and brought it down with deathly precision. Not in time however. A deafening blast could be heard coming from the middle of their formation. The ones closest to the center where throw in all directions hitting their comrades in the way. Many who feel didn't get up, those who were fallen or too far from the blast were left unscathed,thus not affecting the fighter or the rogue. About 20 soldiers survived the blast (Shatter Wave roll of 16), some where hurt, most where deaf, all were disoriented. The commander voice couldn't reach them anymore. Not knowing if they should run and take cover from new magic or regroup, their gaze stopped into their foe. He was clearly disabled but after all they went trough, the soldiers could help but want his blood on their blade. And so they approach. They made their conviction to strike down their helpless opponent. He was about to enter the reach of their blade and one strike would end it all. That would be a dirty spot on their career, but alas, they would redeem themselves. But... something was weird. Why was it that as they get closer their opponent seems to get big and stronger? The man who was about to pass out from his injuries and fatigue rose to his feet without showing any sights of the recent trashing. Renewed in strength and constitution he looked down straight into enemies with eyes that could kill. (Prixie rolled 13 on healing spring) (Fighter rolled 15 on Second Wind) The fighter them clenched his fist until droplet of bloods formed on his hand, and held it high over his face. The blood fell onto his eyes. The world become red. He forgot the his remaining injuries. He could only See his enemies, smell their fear, listen to their screams, taste their pain and feel THE RAGE! The first soldier, died without having time to noticed it, he stomach sliced up. The second and the third, with one strike, before having any reaction time. 2 of them stroke the warrior at same time but only met their death by the rogue (Roll of 10 and 14 on back stab). The warrior kept pressing his charge, killing all in his path. The ones who could still move, tried to run only to trip into roots that have grow out of nowhere, and soon they met with their end in the form of cold steel. The commander, seeing that the fight was lost turned into his horse and tried to flee but feel unable to move at all (Hold person roll of 17). After every soldier was death, and the commander captured, the Magus went to the fighter, which was still visible altered, and started to conjure water over him. The first gallons evaporated instantly upon touching his skin, but eventually his breathing normalized, his complexion relaxed, and he fell into the ground exhausted. The Magus came to his aid, and help him stood up. "Prixie, I believe i saw a river close by in my scry. Could you please guide us there?" Prixie "Ah, sure. Just now he... Is he OK?" The Magus answered "Thanks to your healing. As you could notice, his fighting style is rather... unique. Even trough he is unmatched into the battle field it takes quite an impact on his body. He bloody literally boils inside him. Thus it takes some time before he can recover, but he surely will. " Pixie noticed that the rogue wasn't following them, when inquired the Magus said "He is... asking a few questions to the commander, using ways you are better off not knowing. When we come back he will have some answers as to where you companions are being held captive and why they did so." End of the chapter 0. What is it that you would like to see next time? Is it Kobolt? Or perhaps some political intrigue. There can also be a flashback. Or an large monster. Or some Kobolts? I am glad you liked
  3. As the Magus was divinating a safe path to run away and the rogue was gathering foliage to hide their trail, Prixie held the fighter's arm and looked at him with tears in her eyes, but said nothing. No words were necessary at this moment The fighter clenched his fist so hard that droplets of blood fell into the ground. He them stopped in the front of his companions, gathering their attention and said "Are we running away?" The implicit meaning of that decision, what would happen to the fey, was well know. Could they win? Yes, they could, that was not fighter's question. His question was: "Could they not fight?" " Could they turn their back to what was happening and step on the feelings of their new companion?"
  4. If what Pixie was true, and there is no reason to think otherwise (as the sense motive roll of 14 would affirm), the promise of the gold was too good to ignore. Even as just mercenaries, escorting a peace ambassadress was sure to award them more than a few coins; more than killing all the kobolds (like, all of them) even. "We depart at dawn!" - Exclaimed the fighter They expend an uneventful night, feasting on the promised banquet, and when mourning came the preparations were swiftly. I shouldn't take them longer than 5 days to reach the capital. Midways in the road leading to the capital, the rogue feel his mouth going dry; the hair at the back of his neck standing up; and cold sweat in his face. Something or someone had triggered his 'Sense Danger' advantage. As by his signals, the party came to an halt, and hid among the foliage at the forest crossed by the road. Steps and clinking armors could be heard at a distance. 10... no, 20 soldiers where closing by, pointed the rogue after placing his ear on the ground. "Why do we need to hide?" Asked Pixie. "Aren't the soldiers duty to protect the kingdom and its citizens? What is there to be afraid?" "This area is too far from the war front justify these numbers. With the neglect they showed with us lowly commoners since the war started I doubt that this is an answer to the kobold situation." The fighter produced an empty smile and said: "Mostly likely they are here to hunt a big game... and lets pray for me to be reading in it too much. Mage, can you give us vision?" "Ahhh... It is the last I have, i was hopping i could drink it." Said the Magus as he took some sort of vial from his bag and a golden embroidered plate. As he poured the liquid in the plate, an sweet, intoxicating smell oozed out from the bottle. Pixie couldn't help but to frown. As the Magus started muttering unintelligible words into an ancient tongue, the opaque liquid soon began changing colors, to an intense green that they recognized as being the forest seem as if by bird eyes. The perspective changed and they could see the road they were just into, and the approaching soldiers. Not 10, nor 20, but a total of 70 (Information Gather roll of 1!), and they were not alone, they held the "big game" the fighter had correctly guessed; Pixie companions. Although their motives for attacking an ambassador committee are unknown, the fate of their captives is quite clear: Due to the exotic features unique to the fay, many nobles were more than willing to pay for their... company. Fey slavery has long been outlawed, but who will dare to complain when the soldiers are the slavers themselves? Now, what our heroes will decide? They could probably stay undetectable, should they? They have the surprise element as their advantage, but will it cover for the enemy numbers?
  5. The party them decides to gather further information before deciding on the proposal of the shady figure; >The fighter rolls a 1 on his "intimidation" test making such a sweet puppy eyes that bartender gave him some "milk" on the house. The hooded figure is undeterred. >The Magus rolls a 13 on his thaumatology skill! Its leviossa not leviossaaa, who would guess!? The hooded figure is undeterred. "What ya guys doin?" Asked the Rogue to his companions "While you pansies where playing i went around the city and gathered information." (>Rogue rolls a 16 on street wise) "There aint much to be know about him; he was seem coming to in a white horse already in his hooded figure. A dude could swear the horse was called Josephine, said dude couldn't walk more than a meter in straight line without tripping on his own feet though. The hoodie spent the last few days trying to be discrete, however considering no other person walks around covering his everything, he came be everyone's attention. I take there will be no quarrels if do the talking eh?" The fighter and mage complied. >The rogue them proceed to use his diplomacy skills. "Don't take it personal, but me and my associates refrain from blindly following people whom we just met and take an extra precaution to be kept anonymous. If monsieur / mademoiselle would be willing to discuss further details in some private quarters, perhaps we can get to some sort of agreement." >The rogue gets an 17 on his reaction check. "I see... Its a valid request, I will book a room for us to talk them." Once they arrive at the room, the hooded figure takes out his hood revealing to a be a she, not only that but with traces of mixed blood of fey origins. "My name is Luarmania Giorgivlich Priximat Overluxus which mean 'Glow of the first Moonlight' in fay, you may call me Pixie if you will. I am an ambassadress of the forest, I was send to facilitate the diplomatic talk between the two warring countries in order to restore peace. However me and my escorts meet with an unfortunate fate; We were ambushed on our way to the capital. Josephine was able to lose the Marauders in the woods, the fate of my companions... I do not know. I have no time for grieving for them, my mission must continue, and I need help to reach the capital. I request your protection in my road to the capital. Of course, you will be generously rewarded upon our arrival. Now, what will our adventures decide? Will they follow the pretty lady in disguise? Will the mentioning of generous rewarding be sufficient for they to forget about their Kobold opponent?
  6. I will pick a topic, I hope you don't mind. Three adventurers, weary from their travel, walk into a tavern. - "Bring us Beers master! Throw in some bread and cheese as well." Ordered the swordsman - "Really? Beer again? I was hoping for some goblets of red wine!" Complained the magus. - "There ain't no helping it, since the war started, all the bounty we can get are them lowly kobolds. Not some big sum, but its what we gonna make it do" Answered the rogue A shady hooded figure approached the group. "I beg your pardon," Said the stranger "But i couldn't help but listen to your conversation. I can offer thee a job, while i cant go over the specifics yet, I can assure you its better than fighting kobolds. If you do agree to take my offer, I shall pay for your lodgings this night, some wine and good meat for you to eat your fill and we leave by the first light in morrow." Should our adventurers that this offer? Is the shady figure to be trusted? Or though there be only a small bounty to gain; Should they slay their kobolts again?
  7. It pains me to say that we will have to cancel today's meeting; the other organizer had a health emergency. For next month we will try a different place, if you have any suggestion please let me know
  8. How about Wesley and Buttercup? Couldn't help but to think about them, but as an example of how the midia doesn't have the slightest idea what is love. In the book Weasley "feel in love" with Buttercup was the most beautiful woman of the world; and she "feel in love" with him when other woman was threatening to take him away. After that the book and the movie kept saying love whenever it could, which bothered me greatly
  9. You should consider making other two sounds, one about the impacts from the child viewpoint, the other with the solution, peaceful parenting.
  10. I would like to hear your toughs on the https://freestateproject.org/. The low tax and free market parts sure caught my attention.
  11. Thanks for replying guys. Yeah, i had guessed that the arcane arts of reading 1000+ wpm while keeping concentration would be bogus. However I have read an interesting book that said that you can increase your reading speed by increasing you comprehension, trough visualization of the content and practice. But I still read slowly, stop at points to take notes and reflect of the content and if I try to speed up comprehension goes down the sink. I will try speed listening, thanks for the suggestion Wuzzums
  12. Has anyone here ever had a successful experience with any method of speed reading?
  13. I would like to remember that our first meeting will be tomorrow, starting at 6 pm at Fazendola (http://www.fazendola.com.br/). Fell free to contact me either here or on facebook.
  14. I am trying to make a presentation around the topic, and I am having some trouble to find useful information (graphics or statistics) that validate my point. I need to answer the following questions: Do students leave college with valuable skills? Can they start working right away or they need further in job training? How effective is tradition education (classroom)? If anyone know any good article or study, or a place I am likely to find, please let me know
  15. Lately I have been watching his videos on this topic, I too am in search of virtuous woman, and I think he made a very strong case that the goal is not necessarily to find a woman who share the same values, but someone who is capable of rational analysis, and I would argue that the same can be said to frienship and other relationships as well. So, rather than having someone who just happens to have the same conclusions as me, I would rather meet someone who can be intellectually honest, someone who chooses facts and evidence over prejudice and (hopefully) ultimately will take the reality pill (always forget if it was the red one or blue one). That being said, I do agree that its quite scary, but I will say this: while I am willing to try "taming sharks" I wont lower my standards. This site has some really useful features; users can answer an series of questions and you can compare your answer to seek flags (things like their faith or political position). I have found 5 possible matches after searching for a while and I am sharpening my arguments for the philosophical battle. http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Tathiy?cf=leftbar_match&leftbar_match=1
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