I got the impression that Stefan was saying that "it is not possible" to have a mutually healthy friendship with an ex. I interpreted this as an unconditional statement, So I was wondering if someone had an unconditional case to make about it. It's like abusive relationships are unconditionally bad -- you don't have to know the specifics to know it's bad (though the details help in determining how bad). And, as an aside, Stefan was saying this in the context of a relationship with an ex which was clearly unhealthy.
So - definitions: a "friend" is someone with whom I share an intellectual and emotional connection, and an "ex" is -- well, this seems a bit redundant, but -- someone with whom I used to have a friend connection plus a sexual connection.
But there might be a wider-ranging conversation to be had here, so here are the details of my situation:
I'm late 20s, we had this relationship back in my college days, and it laster for 2 (3?) years. We ended it mutually -- in the abstract, our childhood trauma experiences did not mesh. She wanted validation and tended towards the superstitious, and I had little to no tolerance for vanity (this is still the case), and was dismissive of her issues with superstition. I also was quite against tokens of affection -- flowers, valentine's day cards, etc. I much prefer to say 'i love you' with actions, rather than words or things. She had a pretty fucked up family dynamic, which I recognized and called out at the time, but I did not connect it to her hangups until much later (thanks, FDR!).
That's the short of it. I listened to some of this Tom Leykis thing -- you could say I'm a bit conservative for this player lifestyle perspective ("you're 19 -- why do you have a girlfriend?" is an attutude it'd probably stay the hell away from) he's coming from, but we don't talk avery day or borrow cars. We meet up once every month or two, talk about interesting stuff, I don't think either one of us is supplanting our romantic relationships with this friendship. My girlfriend (of 4 years) was suspicous at first, but not anymore.
To sum things up, our histories made a long-term relationship too grating for both of us, but we can maintain a pretty solid friendship, and good friends are hard to come by.