Eh, could be better. I live in a little pocket of a place where people are qutie tolerant of the homeless, and the police mostly ignore panhandlers holding signs (sadly, my main source of income ).
But the street people here have to keep in line other street types who stumble in here, so they don't ruin this spot with the jackassery of thier behavior (like this one new guy, who set up a matress in plain sight somewhere here to live on). From what I understand from my friend out here, the police depend on the street people to manage and do justice to themselves, and as long as we do, they leave us alone.
I am still lacking a plan though, on how to get a leg up. Just looking for odd jobs, and thankfully accepting the voluntary handouts, hoping for a permanent job opportunity that would hire a homeless guy.
Aside from that, I recently made some efforts to go make some anarchist friends in my tribe (furry fandom), so I'm rather pleased in that regard. Was getting kinda lonely.