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Everything posted by KrofGninut

  1. Eh, the argument for furry is that the humanized animals are sapient, so it's not really bestiality (more like xenophilia). But yeah, I've been wondering if I should ask Stef to do a show on the psychological elements behind furry (because I'm quite sure it's not a natural thing). But Craigslist huh? Maybe I'll take a look. Though a major impediment I have, I've realized after some thought, is that I feel too hopeless to fill out applications. My impression is that businesses get so many applications that each one only gets 5 seconds of consideration, and having "N/A" for address would probably get it put in the trash bin pretty fast. Besides, filling out applications never worked even when I did live in a house. Do you know if I'm just wrong about this?
  2. Eh, could be better. I live in a little pocket of a place where people are qutie tolerant of the homeless, and the police mostly ignore panhandlers holding signs (sadly, my main source of income ). But the street people here have to keep in line other street types who stumble in here, so they don't ruin this spot with the jackassery of thier behavior (like this one new guy, who set up a matress in plain sight somewhere here to live on). From what I understand from my friend out here, the police depend on the street people to manage and do justice to themselves, and as long as we do, they leave us alone. I am still lacking a plan though, on how to get a leg up. Just looking for odd jobs, and thankfully accepting the voluntary handouts, hoping for a permanent job opportunity that would hire a homeless guy. Aside from that, I recently made some efforts to go make some anarchist friends in my tribe (furry fandom), so I'm rather pleased in that regard. Was getting kinda lonely.
  3. -29, it says. To see your comment, I gotta click a little javascript link that is quite unobstrusive and easy to miss. Who could have given you 29 downvotes, so that your comments are not plainly visable?
  4. I appreciate the sentiment at least. Didn't see your comment at first though; something about you being downvoted so much that it was hidden . Wierd.
  5. El Paso, Texas Entry level, I would think. My work experience is pretty unimpressive on a resume (lack of offical jobs that can actually be put there).
  6. After a year of being stuck homeless, and the parting of a former friend and partner in survival, I realize that maybe I should take some proactive steps to climb out of this hole, asking the community (one of the few communities I have as an option) if there is a possibility that I could come up to where you are to live. The main obstacle I have to getting a job is a lack of an address, and I am willing to hitchhike to wherever I need to go (within the united states area); you do not need to provide any sort of transportation. What I need is a place to stay and use as an address, a shower, and maybe some help figuring out the nuances of job-getting. If anyone is willing to take me in if I do the traveling to you, I'd sure appreciate it. I beleive in pulling my own weight, and if I can't get a job quickly, I'll try to make up for it in other ways. I'd just like to know what my options are. (also, I understand this community is probably the best place to find like-minded friends, but I've never really been all that great at finding new friends. If anyone is interested in that too, lemme know)
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