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  1. Nice thread - good question. I think it is very important to protect yourself against government spying or everyone who want to spy you. The argument that you do not do something illegal or have big secrets I read and hear a lot, but I don't think it is a good one. Even If you don't do any illegal, there is still something like privacy. There can be a lot of things you don't want others to read or see - even it is legal. Maybe you are so used to use your computer that you don't even think about that. Your computer, tablet smartphone and so on contains a lot of privacy information and is used daily for all kind of things, like mailing, searching, talking, storing documents, business things, photos etc. I do a lot to protect myself for spying. I try to make it harder. I know I can't make it impossible. You can use VPN and/or proxies if you like, or even Tor. Tor is free (and slow), but gives high anonymity. Vpn is mostly not free, but gives good speed and also an extra layer of privacy. I do not use cloud servers a lot, only to share some songs and funny pictures with friends. If you want to store files on a cloud server - (in case all your storage device(s) fails) - you can encrypt it with a strong password using 7zip for example. Covering your cameras is a good one. Of course I use software that delete my history, check for spyware, adds, malware and viruses - but I think and hope most of us do. Especially if you using Windows. Photos, documents and passwords I store encrypted like the guys above. For personal conversations I use encryption, like my mail or chats. If I want a personal talk, I avoid Skype but use an open source replacement with the option to encrypt. If I erase a file I use programs that overwrite it more than once. I like Facebook because I'm interested in social media and like playing some games on it, but I do not use my real name. It is against their policy, but I have no problem with that. My opinion is that they have no respect for privacy at all and use all your data for their interest. The options to protect your privacy I find very complicated and they do change them from time to time, so I try to do my best to find and understand them, but I also use a program that scans your privacy settings and give suggestions you can change. Even I do not use my real name. Google is one of the best search engines, but I like to use more privacy friendly ones. I'm a big fan of opensource software. I have also Linux as dual boot with my Windows. Linux is open source and can (and will) be checked on backdoors, Windows is not open source and can't therefore be checked. The things that I can do on Linux (which is a lot) I use mostly Linux for. And I almost forgot: when I throw my mail or paperwork in the bin (the one in the kitchen or outside) I like to use a shredder
  2. My favorite is this one which is in accordance with the non-aggression principal: ‘Bitch bites you - punch her'. It is a great one, but I'm not sure this one is suitable for your graphics
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