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Everything posted by Plinkett

  1. Hi I went through the swedish schoolsystem recently, I´ve been out about two years and I really sympathise with your situation. Here are some recources that might help you -General info about alot of countries in the world- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling_international_status_and_statistics -A Danish site about homeschooling- http://www.hjemmeundervisning.dk/ -A blog about homeschooling in europe- http://www.alternative-learning.org/ -Hungarian link collection about homeschooling- (might need some trnsaltion plug-in http://otthonoktatas.lap.hu/ -A forum post about the same issue on mothering.com- http://www.mothering.com/community/t/1199026/homeschooling-in-europe-easy-countries -Another swedish family doing the same thing- http://unschooling.com/homeeducationmagazine/leave-my-country-to-homeschool-yes-we-did-it-by-jenny-lantz/
  2. Could you give me a link to the FB page?
  3. Hi I´ve got an event going in the meetup group thing for May 18th here in Göteborg! All contact info is in the meetup group event. Hope to see you
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