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Pelafina last won the day on April 18 2016

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  1. You forgot to put </end sarcasm> at the end of your post.
  2. Does anyone think there is actually an agenda by Jewish entertainment/Hollywood owners to create media that brainwashes people towards liberal ideology and r genetics?
  3. Mrdthree -- What video or podcast did you hear Stef talking about Richard Spencer?
  4. The founders only allowed landowners to be able to vote, and for good reason.
  5. Stefan should do an interview with Richard Spencer. Who agrees?
  6. What's your assessment?
  7. My definition - Identifying with your white heritage and historical accomplishments of the white race (western civilization). Being aware of the pitfalls of diversity, multiculturalism and of the possible intentions of other races and cultures to out-breed the white race (gene wars) for nefarious purposes. Feel free to add to or to correct my definition.
  8. Stef recently Tweeted: "I am not a white nationalist". Question: Is it unvirtuous to be a white nationalist? Why has Stef decided to not being one?
  9. Spooner said voting was a form of self-defense https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=spooner%20voting%20self%20defense&oq=spooner%20voting%20self%20defense&aqs=chrome..69i57.3624j0j7
  10. In addition to those positive comments about Hitler, there is much information on the internet that casts serious doubt whether the holocaust actually happened and that it's a hoax. I hope Stef does a video - The Truth about the Holocaust.
  11. If a plant-based diet is best, why do so many people that I know feel like crap on that diet and feel great on a paleo diet? The science is supposed to match the empirical evidence, which it doesnt.
  12. Stefan has made the point many times that immigrants bring their beliefs with them, and if these beliefs are not compatible with Western values (life, liberty, property, equality under the law), then we should resist this forced integration. Do gay people who don't reproduce but try to recruit and promote their beliefs onto others, deserve the same reaction as above? Hans Hermann Hoppe said -- "There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order."
  13. With regard to the claims that the settlers took Native American land, this is only true of land that was homesteaded by the natives, not the entire North America, as most people claim.
  14. Stef said that gays should have the same rights as everyone else. My question is: If gays vote democrat, does that mean that we should make them lose some of their rights, since they are advocating that the government initiate more force against innocent people?
  15. My best guess is that Stef views Alt-Right as the best choice that a libertarian has given the current situation of government coercion.
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