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Everything posted by papatree84

  1. They link poverty and crime probably because most of the impoverished in America are blacks and blacks also commit most of the murders. Although they don't say this in the article. Plus correlation does not equal causation; just because blacks are impoverished doesn't mean they commit crime.
  2. Article The Mint Press lists its bias on their about page as "Through the lens of social justice and human rights, we report on how these dynamics drive our foreign affairs and impact the world, and examine the effects they have on our democracy and freedoms as defined by the constitution." Now I almost always cringe when I hear the words social justice, however the article makes some good arguments on the correlation between gun ownership and murder rates, notably that they don't correlate either way. They also point out that governments really only want to ban citizens from owning rifles because you need rifles to overthrow a government.
  3. I'm not saying that you are wrong and zero point energy doesn't exist, but what I quoted you saying above is not an argument.
  4. New research is showing the Hitler and other "high" Nazis (pun intended) used opiates on a regular basis. These new findings fit well with "The Origins of War in Child Abuse" and the recent interviews with Dr.Gabor Mate wherein he reveals that almost of the addicts he treats were abused as children. All the more reason to treat your children with love and empathy.
  5. I'm in San Marcos. Between Austin and San Antonio.
  6. http://www.smh.com.au/national/one-in-5-families-admits-to-using-sedative-drugs-including-phenergan-on-their-children-for-a-quieter-life-on-road-trips-20150404-1me7av.html Scary article I found on reddit.
  7. She is saying women want an Alpha male. True enough I think. The only problem is that feminism, socialism, and hyper-statism in general make it difficult and almost toxic for men to do as she says "show up magnificently in all circumstances of life" (whatever that means). Well one thing she seems to forget is that more and more boys are raised my single moms without any male roll model. Which is mostly women's doing. AND women and society as a whole treat men as disposable resources. Not really a recipe for strong men in the world.
  8. Anyone have thoughts on this? I have been considering buy my first Bitcoins now that the price is low and affordable for me. Should I be worried about the low prices?
  9. Have any of you guys looked into Blue Ridge Liberty Project? Its a Voluntaryist/Anarchist community centered around...drum roll please....peaceful parenting! Looks pretty cool, albeit small.
  10. This time it takes the form of racism. We all must ban together to fight our innate racism. http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/26/us/ferguson-racism-or-racial-bias/index.html?hpt=us_t2
  11. By the by, I think "Senor Chops a lot" knows that Stef would rip him a new one. I Have never heard Noam make a stand on anything except to say that the west is dangerous. He is just a stuffy intellectual who lacks consistency and the ability to universalize principles; in my humble opinion. Yes I am aware that this is an Ad Homin attack. lol
  12. They don't even know their own rituals! That makes my head hurt. It makes them a little scarier in my opinion because they are totally unpredictable.
  13. @Wuzzums funny ass clip. that's exactly what it feels like sometimes @ dsayers at least these insane people are stimulating the economy lol.
  14. I just wanted to share this story with some sane people because I feel like I live in an asylum sometimes. Here it goes.... Yesterday at work some employees noticed that the American flag atop our store was was damaged and barely attached to the flag pole. They all seemed puzzled by how to get it down so I gave a suggestion. Me: "Just cut the rope still attached to the pole and the flag will fly off" This was met with some glares, skepticism, and even some stares of disbelief. Person: "But then it will touch the ground.....the flag can't touch the ground" Me:"It is just a piece of cloth......" This was met with what looked like short circuiting in their brains. One guy looked at me like I was speaking Korean. Person, with anger this time: "The flag can't touch the ground. That's really bad!" Me:" Is the CIA going to drone strike you or something? Just cut it down." My humor was lost on them, go figure. I scanned the two guys who looked like they were having the worst migraines of their lives and decided to cut my losses and leave. Later that day I learned that they decided to higher a boom operator to pull the holy cloth down with reverence; which cost the store close to a thousand dollars.
  15. Rape Victims Are Common. Rapists Are Not. (slate.com article) David Lisak (study in article) This study found that only 6% of men ever attempt rape. Just as with pedophiles it a small percentage of people how do a proportionally large amount of violence. PLUS! look at this Rape Stats and compare it to kids hit in school!(doesnt even include how often or brutally kids get hit at home). Rape is terrible but a far greater number of kids are getting hit and a far greater number of people are hitting them. But I'm speaking to the choir here. And if you look at those stats it seems like women could do a lot to help themselves from getting rapped if they were more careful about securely locking their homes and about whose homes they visited considering that a combined total of 57% of rapes happen in either the victims or rapists homes. Just a thought, stop blaming all men for rape.
  16. Am I the only one who finds this guy unintelligible? Maybe it is his droning monotone voice but I have major problems listening to him. I also can't seem to pin down his views. He seems to be described as an Anarchist online but I have heard him be very critical of capitalism. He seems in many regards to be just a stuffy intellectual/critic. It could also be that he is way smarter than me and what he is saying just goes over my head. Thoughts on the man?
  17. Has anybody looked into her manifesto. She is crazier than you might initially think. Her idea is to actually raise the value of men by making so few of them. she wants to give them a privileged place in society. She really has a firm understanding of supply and demand, right?
  18. I dumped windows 8 about a month ago. I'm using Ubuntu right now but I have looked into other distros. Anything is better than windows 8. I'd rather use windows 93 than windows 8.
  19. Listen to these guys; arguing about religion. We spend our time trying to spread freedom through Anarchism and they are arguing about peoples right to blow themselves up for a giant spaghetti monster in the sky. WE will never really be on the road to freedom until people leave their stone age religions and state realizing their modern religion, Statism. I thought Ben made a good point at 7:30 saying we have killed way more of them then they have of us. Maybe he is waking up to the corruption? who knows....? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9d-9GM9RGQ Seems like Ben's views haven't changed though.
  20. The article says that parents reward centers light up, not the kids. Parents are actually experiencing the dopamine rewards for inflicting puinishment....which i guess might refer back to their own childhoods.
  21. I hear your pain. I had a Cultural Anthropology professor try to teach us students last semester about that all cultures are equally and each have their own moral code. He gave examples of this tribe, the Sambia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambia_people), where the men of the tribe make the young boys preform oral sex on them. He claimed that the young boys actually wanted to do this because they believed it made them into men. He also claimed that it had no adverse effects on them throughout their lives. This "cultural relativism" is a dangerous idea that Athropology professors promote.
  22. Getting Children to Behave Child abuse is finally a topic in the mainstream s media. Check out this Article on NPR. It is pretty disturbing given that its focus is entirely on "getting children to behave" rather than respecting their own autonomy. One of the most disturbing things though is the fact that the author claims that "there is increasing evidence that that watching or engaging in aggressive behavior excites the reward centers in the brain, giving an incentive for aggression." What is disturbing about this claim to me is that fact that it is not mentioned that if your rewards centers are firing when you are aggressive it means that you at least have sociopathic tendencies. The author tries to pass this off as acceptable behavior, to be excited by violence. Absolutely disgusting. Another take on child abuse from our Lefty friends at NPR
  23. Since Scotland is part of the traditional common law system I have been following the coverage of the vote to be really interesting. I think that Scotland has the chance to set the interesting precedence of a move from larger government to a small even, dare I say, minarchist government and even eventually total freedom. What do you guys think of this?
  24. @Ragnar I have nearly no experience in the field. Recently i have been on codeacademy.com teaching my self the basics of HTML and starting to get in to CSS and its a lot of fun. Its like language to me and also a word game type puzzle which really sparks my interest. I am comfortable in the sciences of chemistry and biology but i really struggle with anything related to math. Math is very hard for me. I guess my main question is if it is better for a career in the long run to switch majors at my university and get a bachelors in computer science or get certified at my local community college in web development.
  25. I have been thinking about dropping out of University and going to take some web development classes in order to break into the career. I am a history major right now and I just don't see much value in continuing my debt for a liberal arts degree. Does any one have an advice who works in the field? Good decision? Seems to me that the field is only growing. Please, any thoughts are helpful.
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