I watched your video twice and I think it is a remarkable theory. I had a discussion with one of my friends once about where he thought the universe came from, and he told me he thought it came from nothing, which is zero, which is one thing, which makes two, just as you talked about. He didn't have anything further than that, but I thought was an interesting idea.
Another theory that I've heard is that zero can be thought of as the addition of all positive and negative values. Kind of like how white light is all colors mixed, zero would be all values mixed. I don't have too much to add to your theory, but I have a couple of questions and comments about it, if you are interested.
1. Does the magnetic interaction, as you describe it - a twist in the alpha field, account for the "wrapping around" of magnetic field lines? Here's a picture of what I mean. The field lines curve at the sides of the magnet. It seems like a twist in the alpha field would go straight only.
2. If there is an alpha field, then the universe is built with predefined cardinal directions. Because the field doesn't wholly rotate, there is are 3 axes. It seems like these directions would manifest in some form. If you are familiar with crystallography at all, this would be like anisotropy in strength along different crystallographic directions. Maybe this is what the purpose of "slop" is?
3. Where do logic and chaos come from? Are they "real" things?
4. I also watched your video on consciousness. You describe consciousness as existing in some sort of phase space. I was wondering how that comes out of nothing? Have you merged these two theories?
Thanks for making your videos. It is really enjoyable for me to encounter new and challenging ideas, and your theories certainly have those qualities. By the way, my favorite part of your theory is that it is testable. If we could make that UFO drive, it would be huge!