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Everything posted by Lights

  1. Yup I just got a new phone and would really appreciate the app being put back in apple App Store or someone checking it out.
  2. Right well I got in a discussion about how amazon got a government subsidie to work with the federal post office to get packages $2.00 off. And I was saying that we are funding that through taxes and the person was arguing that the money is not from our taxes at all but is from the post office getting more business through amazon therefore being able to afford the $2.00 discount because of the increased business contract with amazon. And she was arguing that the post office makes money and isn't propped up by our taxes
  3. What would you say to someone who said "yea but there's 3 other post offices like fed ex therefore it's not a huge monopoly"
  4. Heyy I've been getting into conversations about minimum wage lately and have a question on how to argue why getting rid of minimum wage would not result in sweatshop type conditions that we saw in the USA during the industrial revolution with things such as child labor and low pay. Or rather specifically why was the pay so abhorrent back then in the USA without the minimum wage~? Bad working conditions and bad pay. There was still competition and competing companies and it didn't result in higher paying jobs. What was the roadblock~? Bonus question: Stefan says the state has no money-- meaning that the money is all from us through forced taxing I presume--- but doesn't government sectors also create and make money such as the federal postal office through package sales and stamps ect
  5. oh i really liked the chatroom
  6. thxx I'm gunna start watching it now
  7. ^ I second this. I went back to college a couple months ago to take a philosophy course(Intro to philosophy) . A huge interest of mine which I love reading and studying about. Taking the college course was a negative experience for me Dropped the class, so yea just be careful of how lame college philosophy can be.
  8. Cool MMX I want to hear you talk about PUA with Steff
  9. I'm also interested in this.
  10. Hmmm i'm in a similar situation. I'll get in such outrageously bizarre social situations with these co-workers that i become shocked and stunned. It's like a zoo sometimes where the behavior i witness is so atrocious that it becomes amusingly disturbing. Like i'm at the circus~! Sometimes something as little as dropping a pencil can turn into an escalation equivalent to murdering baby seals.I'm curious what anyone else has to say on this topic~!
  11. Awesome work Carl, those are lookin' real nice~! ^^
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