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Everything posted by PaleIsTheNewTan

  1. I read it like 'Lets take the worst possible context of these phrases and MAKE them racist/sexist/other-ist's.' The "I never would have guessed you were a scientist" to a woman, in almost every realistic case I can fathom, would have nothing to do with her (or even his) gender, but likely her/his personality or behavior. Like if I ran into a person (man or woman) say at the gym, and they were supper funny and goofy and outgoing, then later revealed to be a scientist, I would say just that. "Wow I wouldn't have guessed! You're such an extrovert! Fascinating!" It doesn't NEED to be about gender, but I feel they force it. Basically context.
  2. is getting out of hand. Look at this lunacy that was recently posted by UCLA. [Link below] This group think of demanding self censorship and bully tactics to shut down ideas and dialog they don't like is frightening. More so that this permeates academia. As a college student myself, I'm constantly on the lookout for this toxic ideology to creep into my university (luckily I haven't seen it in the 3 years I've been here). What are FDR members thoughts on this? http://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/seminars/Tool_Recognizing_Microaggressions.pdf
  3. We're not all farmers, I swear. If anyone is in Nebraska, perferably eastern towards Lincoln, I'd love to establish a meet up!
  4. I enjoy the what-if scenarios, what can I say? http://www.philosophersbeard.org/2014/05/the-looming-crisis-of-capitalism-why-we.html
  5. The Bill Burr video above sums up the Mom-Worship mentallity very well, with a wonderfully humorous slant. Women (or anyone for that matter) patting themselves on the back for a job (lik parenting) they SHOULD do anyway is just..../facepalm
  6. Can anyone help me narrow down or find a really good video that goes indepth into the effects of war on soldiers, the breaking down of children for future recruitment, ptsd, violence, etc. Things of this nature? I know i've heard it before from Stefan, I just cant find what I'm looking for. Any assistance would be appreciated! P.S. - Im not talking about the 2 newest ones, the "No Thanks For Your Service" and the "Truth Behind Fort Hood". Thanks again!
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