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Everything posted by mlsv2f

  1. I think another point to add is to ask, What evidence can I present via a message board that will prove with absolute certainty that it exists? I don't think there is a feasible way to do that, with that being said. Please don't derail the topic next time. If you think its fake, start a thread and have the discussion there so that those of us who wish to discuss can.
  2. I wanted to find out if the Sweden stories are all true, and looked into a few countries that are commonly brought up as models for the US to follow. I'm no statist, and so I'm not saying "we have the best system!", but I do prefer the current economic system here to Europe, especially after everything I know know. See diagram below with references
  3. either I'm incredibly docile and naive or you're making outright baseless conspiricy claims. Do you have a lot of evidence to substantiate that all of these were faked? I've seen footage of multiple of of these riots, and saw the Ferguson riots first hand (parents still live there). I honestly would be open to see anything you have regarding the above mentioned events being faked.
  4. I get what your saying. They were already discussing CCTV cameras as a response. But from it looks like, these riots/attacks did occur. They actually happen a lot more often than people think.
  5. Are you saying this is a hoax? From my understanding, no arrests have been made, how we can say for certain none were the refugees. (Granted, I was being presumptuous myself, but it would appear that the large influx of these immigrants and the attacks are of no coincidence). I don't think the societies changing is the issue, it would appear the influx of millions of people from a objectively less civilized region have caused the dysfunction
  6. How long did this attack go on for? Were the locals just outnumbered to the point that attacking back was futile? Were the police even intimidated? Could you post links about the other cities? I wasn't aware of those.
  7. Cologne just experienced an attack by thousands of Refugees on new years eve. Women raped and assaulted, men beaten, churches attacked. Not much from the news, but appears to be a modern day rape and pillage.
  8. Anyone else read about this? There seems to have been coordinated riots/attacks by 1000+ "refugees" on New Years even in Cologne Germany. Churches attacked, women raped and assaulted. Watched and interview of a bouncer of a near by club, says he never seen anything like it, felt like a civil war. Would love to see a show on it. Appears the media has been hush hush on it as well
  9. I stopped watching TV outside of a few sports events and movies with my Fiance at night (which i end up just critiquing based on the propaganda and bs). In addition to listening to the show for the past four years, my ability to think logically, find holes in premises, and see logic jumps in other peoples arguments, is extremely honed in and better than its ever been. I think the show has something to do with that. I never thought about TV, but for the holidays, I spent a week at my fiance's parents, where they have Fox news on a 24/7 stream. Granted, at least is not commivision MSNBC, CNN, ect, it really made my head hurt. The thought process these networks use are horrific, and after a few days I couldn't take it anymore. All and all, its more rewarding to spend your spare time socializing with friends, working on getting to the next promotion or a side business, exercising or learning, than to watch the television all day.
  10. I think this was what I was trying to get at, but at some point you have to hold the person accountable when they sign up for a corrupt and violent organization, under the premise that they will be participating in these actions. For example, lets say we are both members of the soviet army under Stalin's rule and we are about to go firing squad on a dissenter. At the point where are officer orders use to lock and load, we really don't have a choice outside of joining the dissenters. The act is solidified when you sign up to do such a job, accept payment for said job, and continue to do the job after you have committed the act. (I understand this is much less severe than a firing squad, just trying to expand the example) There are thousands of guys like this cop out there who go to bed every night perfectly content with having done this, or doing this. (As well as thousands of teachers understanding the premise of forced schooling, whether they want to admit or not) With that being said, the girl probably should have swallowed her pride and just left., At some point, you have to protect yourself from the dangers in life, and government uniformed thugs are one of those dangers. That would be the best long term solution. If you really want to get back at your teachers, just out earn them your first year out of college. What gets me every time is that the black community as a whole, ALWAYS responds with these by running to the same government and voting in politicians that will make government more powerful and make them even more dependent on the government.
  11. Just another example that the underlying threat behind EVERY law is this. Had she resisted further, she would have faced more injury.. These children are forced to be in the classroom, and are forced to comply, or this will happen. I think the other option seen is to not be a member of the uniformed Gestopo in the first place. When your job requires to use physical force on nonviolent children, who have no choice to be there in the first place, perhaps its time to rethink what exactly it is you are doing. I just can't abide by the "hes just doing his job" mantra any longer. These guys know that this is what the job entails long before they sign up, and while they are employed.
  12. Lending rates would reflect a deflationary currency. This is no different than the current system, as lenders take inflation into account for loans in the same way they would deflation. As a whole, peoples behavior would adjust accordingly and they less likely to get themselves into crippling debt when there is more incentive to hold liquid assets and no longer exist the coercive incentive that almost forces people to invest in order to avoid inflationary losses. Instead, people would invest for opportunistic reasons, not as a reaction to inflation as they do currently. Honestly the "fear of deflation" is about as logical as the fear ghosts. Not sure how media gets away with their mongering.
  13. Saw an interesting one the other day. "A store being open on the biggest shopping day of the year (black friday) is immoral But stealing 30-40-90% of a persons income is moral!"
  14. He's a buzzword king. I really think eventually, as he gets more mainstream and exposure, most people are going to see this. Granted, I don't have much faith for society in general, and I understand that there are hordes of people who just want the free stuff he promises and could care less about the moral/economic substance of his statements, I still think people are wiser than to elect this guy in a general election, but perhaps I'm wrong, time will tell. Its funny that he touts the 15 dollar min. wage but pays his college educated interns 12 an hour.
  15. You didn't address anything I put. I acknowledge that a person with lets say, capital, years of business experience and a law/accounting degree has more options than a person who can barely read. But to say he has "power" as in, he can force the person who can read to do things, is false. The socialists like you, want to give the illiterate power over society through the state, whereas we just want people to make their own decisions, based on their own wants/needs. (With of course the non-aggression principle being followed) I think you're just trolling at this point, perhaps you should go to reddit and r/Feel the Burn. Nice talking to you.
  16. The Analogy you gave doesn't match up with reality. The individual worker and owner do not require one or the other to exist in order to exist themself. If the owner and worker can't agree on a price for the exchange of the labor/skill for money, then no trade off of occurs. How many people do poor people employ directly?
  17. I think it should be added, that most people in Crimea wished not to be put under the boot of the EU/IMF. They saw what was happening in Spain and Greece with the IMF and debt, and the government they just overthrew had gotten them into a similar situation. It wasn't so much Putin "taking" Crimea, but a mutual want from both sides. Hell, they even conducted a vote. Seems what is happening in Eastern Ukraine is similar. Think about it, Western Ukraine is having to draft soldiers to fight in the east, while the resistance in the east is doing so for free. You would have to strongly dislike a government to fight against it for free, on the other side, the West must not have a whole lot of support either, in that they can't get anyone to voluntary fight in the east.
  18. That's an interesting point to consider, I guess the paradigm we were answering in, was that should we take the prisoner and have him skip a year to be with a class of prisoners, older, more advanced, and bigger than he is. I think you bring up a good discussion though, does anyone have experience with home schooling kids? I am 4-8 years away from kids I would imagine, but none the less, my fiance and I have decided that one of us will stay home with the kids.
  19. I don't see the rush, kids today are going to live to about 80-100 on average, so what is the gain if they graduate at 17-18? It would appear the downside is much, much steeper than than the upside. If they are that much more advanced than their peers intellectually, it will allow them to maintain high grades and also participate in sports, a job, or other hobbies or interests they may have (maybe ask if they want you involve them in any business or projects you have, or sign up with them to do a hobby they enjoy after school) Personally I enjoyed having a part time job and training in the off season for the sports I played, but everyone is different. Unless they are specifically asking for it because they are highly motivated at a young age, I would let them be and allow them to shine at their own age.
  20. Live in Houston and spend time at my fiance's place in San Marcos during the Holidays. Those of you with kids, how do you feel about the local schools? I'm about 4-8 years away from having kids, but I do plan on staying in the area.
  21. I got trash thrown at me by grown men and women when i worked as a grocery bagger during a strike when I was 16. Walked to the store because I knew my car would probably be messed with. Voluntary unions were much more beneficial earlier in the 20th century. But in today's world, they appear to have the high hand of leverage, and thus influence many of the political institutions that rule us, and dictate many contracts that lead to higher prices and fewer jobs for non-union employees. People with power tend not to like to give it up. The casualness of unions using violence on others can be seen in how they fight so hard to keep people from choosing for themselves whether they want to be in the union, as seen in all non "right to work" states.
  22. Perhaps my experience in college was unique, but I double majored in Accounting/Finance and minored in Economics and I'm glad I did so. Yes I took out debt to go, but 3 years out I earn enough to justify it based on any mathematical model I've made. Not to mention, my income is most likely going to increase as I increase in experience and my own professional development. It may be because accounting is similar to a trade, so I learned a valuable skill in addition to a standard business degree, but it has helped be attain employment and well respected firms, taken me to about 18 different countries in which I have done work in, and allowed me to also freelance on the side/work with a few startups as they need an accounting work ranging from basic book keeping to helping to structure acquisitions. In addition to the formal education, I was able to really socialize myself and learn how to speak better and adapt to a white collar setting. I know Steph has mentioned this in the show before, but when you come from a lower income area, being able to speak with people from wealthier areas or business professionals can be challenging at first. I also developed a pretty extensive network in college that has helped me in my career and personal life. Most of my peers are professionals or young business owners, but all graduated college. In going to college, I would recommend the VERY maximum debt you get yourself into, be about 30k at the very most (assuming you are getting a professional degree or STEM degree). Whether that’s utilizing scholarships, working while in school, going to community college at first, or limiting your options, it’s imperative you don’t saddle your 20s paying off college debt. “Just start a business” isn’t just that easy. The knowledge of starting a viable company, running it, management of people, understanding the legal, regulatory and accounting framework you have to operate in, being able to see and predict costs that may areas, see potential new revenue streams, are all very difficult. I plan on running my own company someday, but I also understand that based on just three years’ experience in the workforce, there are many, many layers that go unseen when it comes to starting and running a company for the first time. If one is to say taking out 20k in student loans is risky, I think we need to acknowledge that starting a business at age 20 is likely just as, if not more risky. To each their own though, everyone is different. I would say it’s important to analyze your options depending on your plans/goals, but to completely throw out formal education past 18 years old, I would disagree with that. As far as the guy vs girl. I can only imagine its gotten worse, but most women teachers don’t care for male students, at least in my experience. I did very in school and especially well on my standardized tests and college entrance exams, but teachers typically gave me a hard time and I often lost points on more subjective grading areas. It probably doesn’t do well for young boy’s confidence when they are constantly being maligned by teachers and told how awful their male privilege is. Something must being going on, as this trend doesn't hold after college. Perhaps its as simple as maturity timelines being different.
  23. Keep in mind, these guys are usually terrible budget forecasters. An 18 trillion dollar estimate is probably more in the 24-30 Trillion ballpark. Sanders really pisses me off. I've long ago come to the realization that all these guys are scumbags, but I feel like he is on another level, hes setting up the groundwork for some of the largest government expansions we have seen in 30-50 years and his hordes are even worse that the Obama groupies I remember in college in 2008. Consider this: the US government brings in about 3.1 Trillion in tax revenue each year, and currently spends about 115% of that. Take into account the 1.8 trillion (18T/10) each year that this estimate is at, and you're looking at a tax burden of about 5.4 trillion a year, thats a 74% increase in taxes that would be required, JUST TO BREAK EVEN, that's not even paying down the current debt. Going from 17.5% of GDP being taxed to 30% of GDP being taxed.
  24. Not quite sure about that. Considering the following: They PV of the pension they obtain around age 55- is roughly 1.2 million dollars (lifetime average salary of the average of your best 5 years) Consider that this accrues from age 23-55, you're looking like on average its a $37,500 in pension benefit every year from age 23-55, on top of their salary. (keep in my the 37.5k isn't taxable either) Lets say they start off at 30k and end at 60k, you're looking at at average compensation of 67k-97k in their 32 year career. Keep in mind they get about 10 weeks in the summer, spring break, 2 weeks at christmas, 10 school holidays, you're looking at 15 weeks off a year. Not taking a shot at teachers, as I had some good experiences with some as a kid, but this myth that they are underpaid, is well, a myth IMO.
  25. Considering Credit Unions. You can usually find a good one that offers much more competitive rates than a bank, and they typically are depositor owned. Banks have regulated away Credit Unions from becoming large at a national level because people would use them instead, but locally there is usually a good one. (Many offer 3% on checking accounts too)
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