I was babysitting these two little boys once –one 8 one 5, - and the older one grabbed one of the knives - it was a really big knife- from the kitchen and started to chase his brother around the room with it. I took the knife away and placed it on a tall shelf along with all the other knives I could find. He started to climb the shelf and got a lot farther than I thought he would. I took him off the shelf and told him he was just going to hurt himself if he kept trying to get the knives, he started to climb the shelf anyways. This last time I spanked him. He stopped trying to get the knives.
Looking back on it I can understand a little why he acted the way he did, his family was crazy. But right then and there with me baby sitting and having no way of changing his past and being the only to stop him from killing himself or his brother, was it wrong that I spanked him?