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  1. Thanks Drew for your responses. It's going to take me time to dig myself out of the working slump and depression to figure what is going to be my next path. I have a few good working options. They won't make me much money but possibly give me time to regroup, decompress and learn how to grow from these challenges. Thanks David, I signed up for the future authoring and working on it now. For the depression, I'm working on staying active and thinking positively. I won't be seeing a therapist like above! Scary stuff.
  2. Thank you Drew for your insight and response. I've always been amazed at how others navigate their career and am inspired by yours and the clarity you have on it. For me it's been accounting, which is fine but now I'm getting older and not growing or learning as much in the field and have no desire to move up in the field, which is concerning for me. I'm bouncing from entry level job to entry level job trying to find away but realizing it's not for me. Since out of work now I'm fumbling and thinking the next job I take should set a good foot and propel me on a long term career path, which isn't necessary at this time. Taking time off to work a job to maintain some security and comfort is possible. I've been in therapy a few times over the years but it hasn't worked out as well as I thought. I still feel clueless about myself and direction even though many people have told me to try something else and new. This speaks of my confidence level right now as I've been thinking I've made bad decisions these past months with taking on this new job. I struggle with too much optimism with thinking I can do other careers but don't always put in the tough work to learn and grow from it. I haven't been in therapy in a few months but will revisit it once I find a stable job somewhere. What were the difficult aspects of therapy for you and when did you find out it was working? I haven't had many moments like this but generally feel good after therapy.
  3. My main question is, how do you find ways to figure out what career path to take next? I've been a long time listener and few time poster here and I'm looking for some advice towards my current situation. Recently, I became unemployed and on severance for the next 3 weeks. This job only lasted 2 months and has caused me much stress and frustration. Prior I had a stable job for 4 years that was not that stressful and I liked the people/company. I moved on from this job in pursuit of something better and with a possibility to learn more and grow my career. The position and company was not a good fit, my boss recognized this early on and started to see I was struggling. I was doing intern work as a result and she didn't allow me to take on more work because of this. I became frustrated as I wasn't receiving any guidance and support to learn more and also because the company/position was not what we discussed and thought it was. Overall, now I'm out of work, in a city that I like but away from family. I have a few options to consider and feel like I have to decide soon. First is to stay in the city and look for work. This option is the most difficult as I don't have a network to work with by finding similar jobs and feel depressed from being close to my old job without being able to work there. Second is to move back home, regroup with family and friends then decide where to take my career. Third, I have a possible job lined up across the country that is similar to my old good job. It's 25% less pay and new part of the country, I'm 29 so not that young to pickup and move on a dime. Fortunately I could if really necessary as I'm single with no dependents. Fourth, move down to new state with best friend and live with his family for a while. Cheap rent and close to friends family would be the best part. Being in a small town with no work would not be good. Within the past month, I began taking medications for depression and anxiety. This is not normal for me as I've always been good in life but these past two months really shocked my system and life. I've been talking to family and friends about my situation which has been a blessing as they have helped me through it. They understand what I'm going through but it's difficult with the distance. I think most of my underlying fear that I have revolves around uncertainty. These past two months I haven't been able to relax as often to contemplate these decision.
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