Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the reply, my opinion was that generally most people arent immoral, however I hadn't looked up the stats for men and the women's stats mentioned were certainly quite surprising to say the least.
Having now looked up the stats and found that men are just as bad if not worse in most cases I now realise that its a fundamental societal issue and not that most women are just manipulative sociopathic whores and most men are blameless.
I haven't heard stefs other shows critiquing men regarding this topic, so that was my first impression from the podcast.
My frustration with the episode was not with the fact that stef was brutally honestly (hilariously as well i might add) describing the genetic tendancies of the female species but that I was genuinely interested in the facts about men to try and form a better picture of why this happens and they were omitted.
The fact that it wasn't included doesn't in any way make the content any less pertinent, it just frustrated me that all the information I wanted to get the bigger picture wasn't there on a plate for me .
My frustration is just that, my frustration. However, it is also feedback which is what this portion of the forum is about yes? In hindsight I should have put my reasons in the first post, but I didn't, oops.