I have a friend from Canada that wants to leave her husband but she is too afraid to do anything because first of all, she doesnt know the rules and second of all, she has weak english skills and dont dare to ask for information as she fears she wont understand it. And to make it even more interesting, her husband controls everything to how she is dressed to who she can go meet, wich is close to no one.
Since i like in comunistic banana feministic monarchy of sweden, I cant really help her more then telling her the rules in our countries when it comes to divorce, social care and stuff are quite similar. I adviced her to contact different female groups that handle cases like that since they know all the rules and what help she can get but she is afraid of beeing deported wich shoudnt be possible because she has permanent residency.
So people of Canada, (Toronto area) please help out.
What are the rules?
Who can she contact?