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Everything posted by proveamerica

  1. Stefan has a great video Q&A when he answered a young person interested in politics, saying something like being concerned about politics is like being caught in machinery that is chewing you up. That resonated with me. I am still interested in the world changing for good, but I can't put my emotions into the politics side of it anymore, because at least in the US both parties are statist and statist. It's like being to a smaller degree in the reichstag circa 1930 with Communists sitting on one side of the chanceller and National Socialists on the other. In the US, it's Demicratic Socialists on one side of the president and Demicratic Mercantalists on the other side and either one is equally militaristally fascist in foreign policy and law enforcement. When that's the hand you're dealt it at least pays emotionally not to play. I may just be post-ex-facto justifying that I can't emotionally do it anymore.
  2. I totally agree. Stefan spoke at a libertarian/ anarchist convention, where he talked about state suppression being horizontal and not hierarchical. I have experienced this from so called conservatives in my area and family. The second I would like to talk about taxes as theft, Federation as nationalism, voting as violence, etc. I know that my neighbors, family, and colleagues would be the ones to appose me, not some far away dictator or "representative". Gun control will come horizontally, not vertically.
  3. I used to worry myself sick about what I would do when the Feds outlawed this gun or that and what it would mean... Confiscation, loss of other freedoms, decent into unbridled tyranny. I didn't connect 2 and 2. That scenario happened long before most people were born. Western governments issued passports, social security identification, government controlled healthcare, and gun control from the opening to the first quarter of the last century. We've just been living in that world ever since. When I glimpsed how hopeless fighting the onslaught is "why even try?" was all I could ask myself. Then the answer came: let the state fall of its own actions. The state condemns itself of its own volition. We non-state entities can sit back, witness the state's Romanesque decay and stand up as free individuals and communities in the aftermath. Such a self implosion could be amazing to behold or it could be disasterous for any freedom loving people caught in the state's death throws. Either way I recognize there's not a damn thing I can do about it while the 100 year momentum of decayed liberty rages on to its logical end.
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