I would like to do my part to contribute to the community/cause. Although I'm fairly skilled at philosophy, my true area of expertise is technical, engineering and automotive diagnosis/repair. If Stefan and everyone involved is agreeable, I would like to offer free advise/assistance to the members. Those who can afford to, I would ask make a small donation to FDR in exchange.
I have ASE Master, Mercedes-Benz, Infiniti and various other certifications. I am in the 97th percentile in this field. I am very skilled at helping people with zero knowledge understand their situation. I can advise the correct repair and the fair cost of repair. My skills are applicable to anything internal combustion engine related and most anything related to thermal dynamics, aerodynamics, pneumatics, fluid dynamics, hydraulics, electrical engineering, structural engineering, cumputers and control systems, and HVAC. I also have an extensive knowledge of hot rod, restoration and racing applications.
I have been successful in applying my knowledge to almost any 'handy man' situation including all things automotive, home/yard/garden, farming/ranching and industrial equipment related. (The scientific method is extremely handy in life)
Any feedback on this post would be much appreciated.