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    Drilling Engineer/Energy Consultant

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  1. Yet another proof... NOT MY STANDARD!!!!! THE STANDARD COMES FROM PHILOSOPHY!!!!! Asinine replies like that are better suited on Facebook. (notice that asinine is not name calling like dickhead is)
  2. First of all I would like to express appreciation to Kristi-Lemanakmelo, Alan, Magnus and Carl Bartelt for the objective and philosophical replies. Carl, I believe you are correct that my subjective view is probably hyper-sensitive. Marginalist, I said 'long term prostitution would be an accurate statement' NOT 'long term prostitution would be a MORE accurate statement' Dsayers, I had picked you out as the most consistently rational person on the site so far. Your reply has me perplexed. In regards to 'collectivized "this community" and hurled accusations at it': it is a generalization, by definition not subjective or all inclusive. I referenced a perceived majority and asked if anyone else 'had this experience' or was I 'personally causing' it. I am uncertain what accusations you are referring to. MMD, name calling is definitely on the list of things I would not expect on a philosophy forum. Professionalteabagger, love the name lol....did you have an argument to propose or just stopped by to project some passive aggression my way? A lot of these replies are what I was talking about and in line with my proposed thesis. Taxation IS theft. (Theft: stealing of property: the act or crime of stealing somebody else's property. Stealing: take something unlawfully: to take something that belongs to somebody else, illegally or without the owner's permission) Re-framing the circumstances around the theft changes nothing. Argument that it is not theft appears to me to be the kind of 'grey area' foggy thinking that the masters would love us to have. short term prostitution: trading a sexual favor for money. long term prostitution: trading a relationship for money. I post offering to save people a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money free of charge and get 1 positive review...someone calls me a dick and he gets 3...
  3. The first one I got burned on was the observation that women sell them self, men buy women...directly saying it as opposed to the bs dancing around the topic people do. Another member reworded it as prostitution and I replied with something along the lines of 'long term prostitution would be an accurate statement' The next day I stumbled across the 'Estrogen Based' video and Stefan basically got the same feedback. I just don't understand why people are so reluctant to accept reality!? I hate that its true! Via chat marginalist. And now your comment. Is this philosophy or a pissing contest?
  4. I recently joined the 'community' and I must say that I am EXTREMELY surprised how little rationality there is within the community. I was under the overwhelming impression that FDR was a community of philosophers? "Philosophy: examination of basic concepts: the branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the systematic examination of basic concepts such as truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom." I joined with the main purpose of trying to help FDR, and the people of FDR, by applying my skill set that has come to be very useful and money saving for myself and those around me. (unrelated to philosophy) From a personal perspective I also hoped to gain a little sanity by interacting with people who are capable of processing reality. Instead, I continually get badgered with emotional responses to an objective observation of reality. I am shocked to find that the greater percentage of those I have interacted with, and the posts that I have read, have been basically the same as everyday life. The level of confirmation bias appears to be the same as the usual sheeple I run across everyday. Same bias, different views seems to be the norm. Has anyone else had the same experience? Anyone else get the usual 'white knight' 'your opinion' 'your views' type of regurgitated propaganda or is it something that I am personally causing? PS the 'opinion' narrative is extra annoying...even kids in public schools are taught the difference between opinion and fact!?!?!? BANG HEAD HERE!! My favorite color is black=opinion. Rocks fall down=fact. I like mexican food=opinion. Taxation is theft=fact.
  5. I would like to do my part to contribute to the community/cause. Although I'm fairly skilled at philosophy, my true area of expertise is technical, engineering and automotive diagnosis/repair. If Stefan and everyone involved is agreeable, I would like to offer free advise/assistance to the members. Those who can afford to, I would ask make a small donation to FDR in exchange. I have ASE Master, Mercedes-Benz, Infiniti and various other certifications. I am in the 97th percentile in this field. I am very skilled at helping people with zero knowledge understand their situation. I can advise the correct repair and the fair cost of repair. My skills are applicable to anything internal combustion engine related and most anything related to thermal dynamics, aerodynamics, pneumatics, fluid dynamics, hydraulics, electrical engineering, structural engineering, cumputers and control systems, and HVAC. I also have an extensive knowledge of hot rod, restoration and racing applications. I have been successful in applying my knowledge to almost any 'handy man' situation including all things automotive, home/yard/garden, farming/ranching and industrial equipment related. (The scientific method is extremely handy in life) Any feedback on this post would be much appreciated.
  6. ZMorris


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