I got into a discussion with a long time friend regarding abortion. I don't shy away from difficult topics that people get emotional about. The conversation is paraphrased below.
Me: I don't see a fundamental difference between murder and killing an unborn baby.
Friend: I don't care how righteous you are, you have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body.
Me: The baby is not a part of the woman's body in the same way a spleen or appendix is. When does the baby become detached from the woman? After he leaves the vaginal canal? When the umbilical cord is cut? The baby has every right to not have force initiated on him.
Friend: Babies are not babies until they are babies.
Me: You can't honestly define a baby by saying he is a baby. Life is defined as "the property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms or inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the environment". On a cellular level, you are ending the human life without his or her consent, so by definition, that is murder.
Friend: I think we are both smart enough to tell the difference between a fetus and 8 months into the pregnancy.
Me: A fetus at 8 months is still a fetus. I don't follow.
Friend: Well it doesn't matter how passionate you are about this, it isn't your choice. We both have valid points but ultimately, we don't have a right to make any choices for someone else.
Me: Then can I rape someone because you can't tell me what to do wit my body?
Friend: Wow...really Matt?
Me: Yes, by that logic, I could make that argument. I don't think you have a valid point there.
Friend: Well, I guess this is a win for you! Yay!
Me: Why are you using sarcasm instead of discussing the topic? You haven't addressed the biological definition of life I provided, didn't address specifically when it is okay to end the life, didn't discuss where a woman's body begins and where the baby's body begins. You just became sarcastic
Friend: You are being an arrogant prick.
He then "defriended" me on Facebook and I am assuming wouldn't answer a text. This is just one example of how I talk with people.
Dsayers, thank you for pointing that out. I need to be more specific in what I am trying to state. What I should have said is "how can I get people to be more open to the non aggression principle? I will check out the Bomb in the Brian series and see if that helps.