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  1. I appreciate you bringing it up and posting that information. I think 9/11 probably is a gov cover-up. It probably was a planned demolition, but so what? Like Stef said in a podcast a few years back, the US gov has a long dirty laundry list of deeds that span back to the country's conception, so why all of a sudden act all shocked and appalled at a possible 9/11 cover-up? The Penn. Whisky Rebellion. Southern states forcing whites to catch run-away slaves. Slaughtering of natives. Small Pox infected blankets given to natives. Iran-contra affair. The FDR administration likely knew of the Pearl Harbor attack ahead of time. Bombing of Cambodians during Vietnam war. The fallout from Fallugia. Etc. Etc.. If 9/11 is a gov cover-up that no one wants to accept, then it's merely the tip of an upside down iceberg that's fully exposed except for the tip itself.
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