I would have to go with Statists, as a fledgling anarchist I don't have the mental muscle memory to argue nearly as effectively as I can the religious folks. I was born to a atheist family and raised on a hearty diet of nature documentaries as well as studying archaeology and religious history, so it is almost second nature to shoot down religious arguments. (Stefan's counter to agnosticism has been a useful addition to my quiver, they are usually too slimy to pin down)
Statists for the most part in my arty muso community are a much tougher opponent, they all tend to be of the 'well meaning hippie' style...wrong, but always with a caring spin on it that makes it tough to argue when surrounded by them...especially when you are still mastering the basics. Luckily there are resources like this to toughen up my thinking so I can at least plant a few seeds of anarchy in their thinking while I hone my knowledge for the final KO