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Everything posted by efioptv
Preparing for world economic meltdown and societal apocalypse
efioptv replied to Crusader1986's topic in Current Events
No wonder I've been searching to learn anything that I want to fix at home. I'm more likely to concern about internet censorship. Just look at China and Russia, they are banning VPN. @ofd id be interest in how we can stop those huge forces. Just as Stefan said, spreading the right concepts is a long road. -
agree. It has nothing to do with capitalism. <-- That might be a good statement to present next time when they continue the discussion...I tried to explain the logic to the discussion group and yet, they just don't seem to care. The people in my group said something such as "ya its unfair" "agree its only a problem when a person dies".
aww, should've thought of this examples when I'm reading the article. Instead, I was focusing on how he is cherrypicking part of the capitalism theory to develop his argument...
that was what I had to read in my business ethics class this week. The author said inheritance doesn't follow the rule of capitalism since it does not create equal opportunity for everyone, which decrease incentive for the less wealthy people to be productive. And, the more wealthy people has more freedom because they have more money. Thats what I've got from reading the article and my first impression is "what the **** is this" inheritance is just another word for private properties and how is it giving someone else your properties is injustice? And of course, his solution is to run to the state to limit our freedom. He propose the solution to only able to give those wealth to ones spouse. If one does not has a spouse, the wealth belongs to the government after death. Another exception is orphans, disabled and the old will get a sufficient amount of wealth to live their lives. Sorry if I'm all over the place. It feel like I disagree everything he says... He gives me an impression that maybe he know the problem is the biological randomness that created this unfairness, but this is something we cannot change. (I'm regretting my choice of taking another philosophy class in university)
It's wasting time to reason with people on the internet especially users with weird usernames isn't it? If they are not putting out any kind of reason, then what they are doing is either showing their stupidity or trying express their anger or frustration. Ive learned to read some of them as entertainment.
As for me, I'll be learning it on my own with some youtube videos and Pinterest guides. I've learned the basics in the past. All I need now is practice. So a lot of reference pictures will help. Ya classes would be a lot more helpful for a beginner. I really love to sketch a lot of things
I've never set any new year resolutions before. Maybe I'll set one up now. One of the top item would be complete my reading of "six pillars of self esteem" and start on other books. Continue to learn 3d rendering software, master the sketching of human anatomy and create a set of art deco styled icons.
sorry took me too long to understand. (not very good at understand English) I did put it aside after waiting for your reply for a while. answer to your question, no, its not natural to feel shame. The feeling of shame is came from the culture of avoiding this type of topics. (rephrasing what you said ) Not sure if I am following the footsteps of my sister or it is really a natural thing. I have started talking about sexual stuff with a girl after knowing her for two months. It turns out much "in-dept" than what my sister have discuss with her friends (any friends). I guess it is really natural thing...
that I'm afraid I can't really help, since I have close to no experience. You can start off searching for CMS ( content management system ) then continue explore which one fits your need. Wordpress is one of the popular ones out there. It has quite a lot of add-ons to choose from that might meet your needs.
Basically, they are oppressing people who they cant get profit from. If they dont do so, then it will encourage more people go on this route since theyve stopped issuing this type of license right?
Seems like you are interest in creating a website without the hazzle of coding? If thats the case then i remember using this used to be free software - wysiwygwebbuilder. It changed quite a lot since the last time i used it. Or just like Tony mentioned, wordpress is a pretty easy one to get setup and running in a short period of time.
i don't really get what you mean...
What you suggest is the openess of discussing sexual topics is a progress to humanity since the avoiding the topic is denying our nature?
She specifically pointing talking about sexual stuff after knowing someone for a short period of time is bad. She told me even her friends who have been known for more than thirty years rarely talk about sexual stuff. Seems like the time is what she worries about...not long enough Degenerating compare to her era of youth? They were less open to talk about this kind of stuff between friends.
I do agree with you that she really tend to pretend she knows a lot. Using her culture applying it judge? nowaday's culture which is comparing the bad to the worst? I'm still figuring out what problem am i looking at...
Really didn't see this day ever happen to me, but it did today. My mother used to and still lectures my sister about not hugging guys she met for a month or talk about sexual stuff, because it is a form of taking advantage of her. As for my issue, its about the sexual stuff. While I allowed by mother to read my chat log between a female friend, she notice a section of chat and began her lecture. The section begins when I joke about turning gay if I am 50years old and still haven't have a girlfriend. Then she asked me if I have a boyfriend, then would I be the aggressive one or the passive one. Yes, the question is really out of nowhere (or maybe not?). After a long talk, it really pushed me to think whether the world has degenerated a lot? to the point people can talk about sexual stuff this easily which including myself. Is it something that should be accepted as normal or should I push it back and declare this as bad and scrape any of this behavior inside me? Sorry if my post is scattered everywhere...[still haven't finish reading Real Time Relationship]
still need to talk to them more to see how it goes. Thanks Thanks for the advice. I always think it is rude to say it until now that I really think about it. If they are not interest in interacting with someone who don't believe in god, then it would be a waste of time for both of us. As for the one that I'm already in, they seem pretty even asked me for help on flyers since they know I'm graphic design major. Guess telling them the truth will determine if they do really respect me.
Today I got approached by a group of people who speaks my native language. They are from a local Christian group and asks me to join them. Mostly, they only talk about gathering together and have fun. I've joined another group that is from my school, while I still have contact with them, I'm rarely going to their gatherings. What I'm thinking is, if I don't really believe in what they believe, then joining them would make me deceptive which is something I don't want to. Should I tell this group that I don't really believe what they believe in? This is most likely the best way to present myself to the "outside world" since Im alone most of the time...
this is very sad...but as we know, with that many immgrant, this will happen eventually...T.T
its really hard to not think about them when my father had been telling me about planning ahead since I started to understand complex words Xd. But I feel guilty for asking a girl out just for my seek of practice? so far, I've thought of asking the girl out for a movie, but I'm still at the planning stage...since the movies I want to watch won't be out until Novernember
but...both driver are pretty dangerous anywasy? Ya, I really need to overcome the fear of being rejected. Maybe because I felt rejected when I had a crush on another girl and without she knowing I had a crush on her, she turned lesbian...but besides the fear of being rejected, I think I'm also facing other problems, when I imagine of starting a relationship with someone, I would think way into the future when we have different career, have child(rens), getting retired, etc. Then, I thought, that is too much of a hassle...I really need to make sure I choose the right person to complete my life as happy as possible (for both of us). Besides those, I also have to consider that I'll loose my own time learning my hobbies, relaxing by myself without the worry of paying attention to someone else...the grown up side of me is urging me to get a relationship and the childish side of me is telling to have all the fun while I still can... Edit: forgot a few more things, which is the most important one. I've moved to the US and there is still an unknown chance that I will move somewhere else to live, which not everyone would be interest to abandon their home easily. Since I'm not born speaking English, I also have the fear of not being able to convey my thoughts in a very clear and understanding manner... this is pretty much my whole problem besides the fear of being rejected
Building a Gaming PC! I'm super excited :)
efioptv replied to TheSchoolofAthens's topic in Miscellaneous
Im in the process of building my first desktop too. In the past, ive only been fixing my relatives' computer or take apart laptops to fullfill my curiosity. Now that ive actually saved up money for it, i can build a desktop that will play everything i wanted in the past. Also it will really motivate me to create work im studying design btw. As for buying prebuilt, i think its a bad idea. Since they will put in cheap parts...for example ibuypower. I looked at the r9 390 and seems like they will put in a stock ome straight from amd instead of those third party ones... -
Ami allowed to ask this type of questions here? Since the last year of high school, ive met this girl who i had a crush on. Never had my heart pound so fast and my hands shake so intensely for seeing her...my mother asked me whats the reason i like her and i can point out is she dress differently and have the same likings as i do...now that we study in a different college, only one or two semester that ill see her at the same bus stop. As today, she decided to take the slower bus instead of taking the same faster bus as i do...i wonder is it that im being annoyance to her. She did ask me if i take the slower bus and i told her that i dont because it is very slow. For her, she doesnt marrer because she will get to school too early anyways...guess i got rejected? We didnt talk to much from thr beginning we met. And my mother said she is just acting to cover her true self. The only real useful information i know about her is she got bullied in school before, but not the school we went to. She also lives with a single mom.
That might be the problem. Right now that I'm only taking general education classes, most of the students during lectures or labs seems to have a complete interest as I do. For example, the lab table that I sat around has two guys and three girls. Those two guys quickly stick together because they have the same interest (football) which I have absolutely no interest in. The other two girls, I don't even know what is their interest because I'm too shy to even talk to them. The only one thats left was forced to be group with me and she always starts the talking which only related to the lab that we are doing and nothing else. I'm went to a fellowship last semester, but I don't have the time now since I got a part time job. Today, I met one of my friend (knew her through my sister) and I saw her with her friend who also speaks the same mother language as she and I do, but after I went up to them and greet her, I just stood there for a full 5 seconds while they got their ordered food from the cafe and I ended up walking away without saying anything, not even a "goodbye". I felt so awkard and also depress. [can this be my diary?]
I really hope everyone knows violence doesn't solve problems.