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    Los Angeles, CA

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  1. It would probably be good if you put the Donator Status/Premium Content Information on the "Donate" page. I had to search Google to find it "hidden" on this page: And for more clarity, it wouldn't hurt to have this information on the "Premium" page as well, i.e. information for Bronze members for example, about how much you need to up your donations to access the Silver or Gold content etc.
  2. Today I stumbled upon the website mediabiasfactcheck.com. They have Freedomainradio listed under conspiracy-pseudoscience. They also have a survey where people can rate the level of these two topics. Please go there and rate "none" for both topics. I'm also going to ask them to remove Freedomainradio from this category. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/freedomain-radio/
  3. Brilliant!
  4. In podcast 3197, Stefan said that he just "did an interview" with Jason Richwine. Did he mean that he recently interviewed Jason Richwine, and that the interview will soon be available on FDR, or did he mean that he was interviewed Jason Richwine, in which case I'm asking where I can find the interview.
  5. Great point Kerou! Hadn't thought of that.
  6. OK, thanks guys! I'll definitely check out your recommendations!
  7. I would appreciate if someone could recommend the best way for me to learn the basics of philosophy. It could be a book, an audio book or a video course etc. I've been listening to Stefan for a while now, buy still feel that I don't really "own it" when it coms to explaining to others things like Metaphysics, Epistemology, First Principles, Virtue etc. Also, English is not my first language, which makes it a bit more difficult. An introduction or summary of the big philosophers that we are concerned with here, would also help, as in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hume etc. Thanks!
  8. Thank you guys for all your replies! I guess I'll start with the book then!
  9. I want to read Atlas Shrugged and watch the three movies. I'm thinking that it might be helpful to get to know the characters etc. by watching the three movies before I read the book. Or would that ruin the book experience?
  10. Thanks! For anyone else wondering, it starts around 1:22.
  11. Does anyone know in which podcast Stefan talked about the movie Boyhood and said that it was full of leftist propaganda?
  12. Ok, thanks. I was very much looking forward to Stefan's conclusion in part 4! I'll make another donation then and mention this podcast in the donation notes.
  13. I loved the "The Truth About Ayn Rand" series. But when will the fourth episode come out?
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