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J. D. Stembal

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J. D. Stembal last won the day on December 4 2015

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    Colorado Rockies
  • Interests
    Blue skies, the sun, healthy & happy people, and white gold.
  • Occupation
    Vacation Rental Host

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  1. Banks charge clients to deposit, and loans become a losing proposition for the lender. Debt becomes a profit instead of a liability.
  2. I whole-heartedly agree, but the government not only subsidizes broken families but has long subsidized married couples as well (post-WW2 to get women out of the workforce). I am welcoming others on FDR to consider what the voluntary family looks like, especially in light of decentralized technological tools such as the blockchain. As it stands, no aspect of the family is voluntary. We are born tax slaves, indoctrinated and traumatized, and we die as slaves.
  3. I'm curious about what dispute resolution would look like, and whether it would decrease the divorce rate.
  4. Trump: "We have no choice." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76An3ZxWNfk More Trump fear-mongering and pandering to the weak-minded.
  5. Fascists typically have no problem identifying themselves. For convenience's sake, I thank you.
  6. Can you describe how you intervened aggressively? Are you articulating your feelings of bitterness to your wife? You can't afford to keep a lid on that.
  7. Any business accepting BTC as a form of payment will not be able to accept them from NH residents.
  8. For the sake of argument, I will concede that the definition is accurate. Can you describe the ways that the BTC blockchain improves a couple's chances of remaining married until death, benefits the children, or promotes voluntarism in the family?
  9. What are you going to put that energy into doing or achieving? I weight lift, but I do it because I empathize with my future self, not because I wish to provide value to women. I view masturbation and pornography as a pacifier to mind the health and well-being of my male plumbing because there are no women worth fucking. I've been sober and celibate for almost 20 months.
  10. No debate had started. We never got past definitions. Marriage, as it stands now, and throughout recorded history, has been supported by politics, through arranged marriage, religion, through unions blessed under God, and the State, through civil laws specifying the requirements and conferred benefits of State-sanctioned marriage. If you have a voluntary union for the sake of raising children, starting a family business, or an agreed-upon contract that does not impose force on one or both parties, it would not be called marriage because no marriage has ever existed that has not fit into one of those three categories.
  11. There is no such thing as an illness that comes out of nowhere. I assume that is what you mean by "freak illness". Every effect has a cause. If you get sick, you set yourself up for it in some way by compromising your immune system or through poor lifestyle choices, such as drinking alcohol or subjecting yourself to constant low-grade stress, inflammation, and lack of sleep. Injuries can be mitigated as well, but I would be all for an insurance plan that only covers accidents like falls. However, I ride a snowboard without medical insurance and sleep very well at night. Assuming that one can opt out of paying for the health care of everyone else through taxes, prevention saves money in the long run and you can use these savings to pay off catastrophic injuries that cannot otherwise be avoided.
  12. One can easily make the case that America is worse than Germany's Third Reich. We are not only the dominant world military power with over 900 encroaching military bases, and troops in 130 countries (as of 2011, at least), but we wield the world's default trade currency, which we constantly devalue. Essentially, between the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and the Long Arm of the Military, we are fucking over and dominating the entire world. It's no wonder a great proportion of the world despises America and, by extension, Americans. I would be ashamed to be classified as one, but I had no choice but to be born here, thus there is no moral component to my classification. Citation: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/sep/14/ron-paul/ron-paul-says-us-has-military-personnel-130-nation/
  13. Wow, what a great insight. I'm not sure how I missed this. Personally, I think women are far more pushy and rushed when it comes to sex than men, but this is a reflection on my past experiences. The rushers will expect you to initiate sex at the earliest opportunity. If you stall or take your time, they tend to lose interest fairly quickly. I would estimate if after six weeks of chatting and dating, if you have not had sex, and she's still speaking to you, you've successfully found an unhurried woman.
  14. Having worked for some years in the public library system, I have to agree with you, but the employees there, mostly women, will not see it that way. They will argue that removing the public library will disenfranchise children. Libraries run weekend and after-school programs for students in addition to lending books and other media, and providing internet access. Since the library system is closely tied with the school district, removing one would cripple the other. I used to piss off the librarians by saying that in the future we wouldn't need libraries because we would read books at home on the personal computer. Fast forward to today and I still prefer holding a dusty book in my hands, but I don't think the public library is the answer. Check out this bookstore in Denver. http://www.yelp.com/biz/park-hill-community-book-store-denver Tara B., the librarian, explains how the store works. This is what a free market library looks like at the moment. It's pitiful looking compared to almost any public version, but the business model works, more or less. I especially like her last comment, "In these tough economic times, this is the BEST deal for readers in town (after the library, of course!!) and I can't recommend it highly enough!" This store is great, but the public library is better because it's free!
  15. The questions were loaded. All I did was answer them. I'm not tossing you in the back of a train car at gunpoint. In a voluntarist society, there will be no need for the state or religion because people are moral and intelligent enough to govern and manage themselves without a dictator, bureaucrat, or priest overseeing their lives. Self-government is the only peaceful and rational way to live. If anything, thecurrent media fixation on Islamic terror proves that religion can never be a means towards peace.
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