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Everything posted by ThomasPaineintheArse

  1. if your fantasy stems from self-worth issues, then its bad. examine your self-worth very carefully, I would say. your fantasy may be saying, "I'm not as good or desirable as other men," or, "all women are sluts." I don't think either of those negative messages should be fed and nurtured.
  2. they pushed their values onto my education, they bullied my political system, they attempt to return my sister citizens to subjugation...........please; allow me to retort. Christianity has hindered Western thought since Constantine made Christianity the religion of Rome. Christians went from humble, peaceful cultists, to burning priests of opposing versions of "Christ," in one generation. my ancestors drove out the mother goddess, and put Yaweh Manson on his bloody throne, but the Christians really picked up the ball and ran with it. Abraham was a dick, for his willingness to sacrifice Issac.............not some hero.
  3. Bradshaw was my first step in the right direction. empathizing with, and learning to nurture my inner child, saved my life. sorry you experienced such abuse and manipulation................
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