It's been awhile but I've heard Stefan discuss why original sin is, in my own words, bad or evil in itself. In an email thread I would like to break this down/provide some solid reasons.
What I can rattle off from the top of my head doesn't really feel coherent to me when I write it down. Perhaps, it's just that this idea is preposterous or illogical to me, or maybe it's just that my argumentation muscles are more or less atrophied?
Perhaps some sentence completion:
Original sin is _____ because _____
evil, ???;
a means to control the masses, give a priest some money and they can "absolve you" or your "sin" ... a way of collecting money from believers;
manipulative, telling someone that they are intrinsically evil fills them with shame;
deterministic, you're bad because you were built to be bad?;
10 minutes on sentence completion hasn't gotten me far.