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Everything posted by DannyB

  1. Thanks for the link mate. I have been looking for something that uses PGP when possible. IE some kind of client that stores my private-key but hides it all from view. Its too much hassle to manually encrypt / decrypt every message, especially when I dont really have anything to hide but just want to keep my privacy private.
  2. I think he is pointing out the hypocrisy of people who say they are not drug users when they consume caffeine daily. I would add the same for people who drink alcohol /smoke nicotine.
  3. Its so disgusting that this goes on. I know of at-least 1 real life case in my friend group. I live in the UK where its illegal to paternity test your child without the mothers knowledge. Who knows if its even my friends child... he is half Italian and the child is pale skin tone (the mother is white-English)
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