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Black Anarchist

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Everything posted by Black Anarchist

  1. It would have been better to ask what I mean by socialism. Its hard to know when socialism ends and conservatism start. Her views when she does show interest in politics is socialist and left leaning in nature, not untypical of your average Brit. To question dating her on her political view is to question whether I am willing to date a typical Brit. Her views are not shocking or extremist in any nature. Saying that she would go for Barney Sanders if she knew who he is.
  2. Probably not a socialist as such, but her political views are no different then most UK women.
  3. Out of those who I have dated, she seems to be the most level headed, honest and agreeable person, and her friends are the same way also. I guess she was the first ­­proper girlfriend I had. It seemed healthy at the time. I guess I like someone who likes me. Probably that is why my workmates like her. One of say that she doesn’t know why she puts up with me, car boot sales every weekend and to much interest in politics. The boy is also very agreeable too, he must bee picking up some positive vibes from the other children in the area. She lives in a nice part of town. The top comment to get a better understanding about me, and the bottom one was about her. Probably could have put the words better together. I was trying to point out that I am usually mild mannered except for some types of driver. and I hate socialists. Believe it or not even marxist try their luck in this country.
  4. Do you think its problem if a partner had a history of dating men who are polar opposites? Its something that has bothered me with a suitor, plus the fact that she is the opposite side of the spectrum herself. She is 41, works in a children’s crèche in a gym, and lives in posh part of London, Themes Ditton ( has little crime and a peaceful area) . From what she says, she is from a good middle class family and had a good childhood minus a few problems she had at school regarding her weight and a few minor health problems. Her social skills are very good and very pleasant by most parts, and very honest. Political views are, socialist to disinterest. I am 42, a mild mannered black man with aspergers. I am an Anarchist and a logical thinker. I work as a low paid admin assistant and sole trader( online retailer), source from car boot sale and thrift store. I go to most car boot sales with my mum. Kind of ambitious, there are plenty of opportunities online. I hate Commies, pettiness, aggression and BMW drivers( promise to cuss off a BMW driver if he opens his mouth). Dating has always been an uphill struggle had a few short relationships. Loneliness became chronic depression. Fortunately, I now don’t feel that lonely these days . Dating feels almost a touch easier, but unfortunately I am more choosier. The major problem is that she has a dark history. He had a lot of sexual partners, around 25+. She has a thing for black guys, so I assume she has not dated many eggheads or geeks. This compounds the problem she generally dated men that are polar opposite to myself. One of he ex boyfriends violently punched then kicked her on the ground. Three years broke up but continued to see each other as friends. She since then met a guy from Nigeria. They said they would get married and have children. They did have a child but things didn’t start out will as he did not join her in hospital when she was giving birth. After that they planned a wedding which I was invited. But unfortunately the wedding was gate crashed by police because he was an illegal immigrant. Now currently they are separated, and she is now a single parent. She sees the guy but I see him less often. I took her to one of my work place party with the kid. My workmates seem to like her and they said I get on with her and the kid well. Her history isn’t doesn’t seem to bother them at all. It was very difficult to reveal this private information about her but I need/ed some advice.
  5. Not sure, about that. It take more resources to mobilise a fatter person. The calories needed to move the extra weight is significant. But it has advantages in time of sudden drought. Being fat is like saving in a bank with storage fees. The more you save the more you pay. But in an emergency you will be ok. The reverse might be true. In a food plentiful environment it is ok to have the luxury of being fat, despite being fatter using up more celeries. If a sudden drought should happen fat people will be ok. If food supply is limited but steady, then the environment would be able to support more thin people then fat ones. I think, that only sudden droughts would give fatter people an advantage any other environment would be an advantage to thin people.
  6. It was the unpaid worker who thought that I it is a cheek to scan books and make a profit at the charities expense. In so many words, she expressed that it is virtuous to be an unpaid worker. I wanted to say, stop working in this charity and come out with me to do some thrifting. We will work all the thrift stores this side of South London from Waddington to Clapham north, next we can sell on Ebay, Amazon and you can give your profits to charity( A lot more work a lot less chatting). Not a fan of Africa focused charities. Most African countries are not economically free. You just have to ask how easy it to buy a prefab shipping container house buys some cheap land( Got to be cheaper then London) open up a small business in Africa. The inflation-tax will probably finish you off.
  7. Those hours are more then enough. The Salvation Army is good. My views on Christianity are the same as Stefan's. I wonder how this charity would go down at my workplace. Most are not Christians but there are a few Africans at my workplace perhaps they can add support.
  8. I am doing a 200 mile bike ride, and I have the opportunity to raise money to a charity unfortunately, I am not sure which charity raise money for. I am a little bit sceptical about their efficiency also. Some charity profit margins are so low it might as well be a wealth transfer from the labour of the unpaid workers to the charities cause. And this is after the local authority and government subsidies. The unpaid workers might as well donate money directly rather than work in these thrift stores. One charity shop manager pissed me of by showing bad management knowledge. He didn’t want me to scan his books to find valuable books while the staff admit they do not have the time to check the items themselves. The logic being,’ those who regularly buy books from them like to believe that sometime they are getting a bargain’. This assumes that the buyer would check the price of the book online after reading it, have an Amazon Seller account set up and willing to wait long enough to sell it or sell it on ebay and get peanuts for it. I wish that Walmart worked this way, I would sneak in a scanner. Anyway, I need a charity that your average person is likely to want to donate to. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3357458/One-five-UK-s-biggest-charities-spending-half-public-donations-good-causes-spend-little-ONE-CENT-charitable-work.html
  9. Perhaps people see it as ethnic family issue, to complicated to intervene. If it was aggression from a stranger, then perhaps they would interview more.
  10. Would that be eating the crabs or any meat or showing disregard for animal wellbeing. One actually does harm to the animals.
  11. Can’t tell you if I am at the wrong side of sociopathy or not. If I was I probably would not want anyone to know that. The majority of average folk are probably not, less so in my office, but would happy to dine on crab and other sea critters. In the office, I did not show any remorse for those crabs who did not have the fortune to end up boiled in a pot alive. It is a little hard for me to show concern for the suffering of a group, while at the same time contributing to their suffering. Seem like the way most people handle this is to not think about it, and to not hunt out any info regarding what happens to animals. To show true concern is to take action, a little more action then most folk are willing to do. ​
  12. I work for work for Local Authority Waste Operations. Today, I was listening to a conversation about an issue with a restaurant in Wimbledon who put live crabs into the dumpster, there probably was from 5-10 of the critters in there. The front line staff as a result would not empty the dumpster plus the fact that the dumpster is overweight and to heavy to pick up. The restaurant owner response to the live crab issue is to crush them with a with a digger (or some other heavy duty vehicle, I can’t remember). The office staff was not impressed, I tell thee! they really felt for those crabs in the dumpster. One or two of them mentioned the RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. I personally, didn’t give it much thought, those crabs had it coming. What do you guys think about this whole crab based situation.
  13. The wonders of th NHS. I know somone with Aspergers who often talks about is experience with Verious government mental health departments from the NAU, CCG PATS. I have aspergers too but its a lot worse. I get one N for being black, another N for being a man, other N for having aspergers, and another N' being older.
  14. Because the government is a consensus of the people and democracy, they will regulate what is good, ja? We was having a discussion how government helps to prevent discrimination by mean of laws and regulation. If someone refused to sell me goods because he thought I was ugly, or didn't sell good to blacks. What is your thoughts on this.
  15. My posts haven't come up. Im I still being vetted? Didn't see it.
  16. Ethics of Arbitrage At work we had in interesting discussion about my noble act of arbitrage. Buying cheap and selling dear. Recent activity includes buying keying tracking device TracR or £2.50 and sell them for £14.99. The most extreme case was a book I bought for £12.00 and sold £500, is squeezed him down from a score to £11.00. May workmates find it hard to believe that I am doing Gods work by providing value. I would like to mention that I also work for Local Authority doing the Nobel service of being admin assistant to Waste Operations , and supporting the front line staff and have Long Service Award certificate from them. Over 20 years of service. Any honest comments welcome, I am not easily offended. Kind regards.
  17. INSANE THEORY ALERT: In some native island the natives are very fat. Apparently, most thin one dead of starvation while traveling on boats to the island and the fatter one could live off their body fat and survived . Fatness is a survival trait and as a result many men find it attractive. However, I am sure a limited number of thin woman survived the long boat trip too. They probably was high status, had plenty of resources or very smart women, which is also an attractive characteristic. On that island if there was any thin women they would be high status because the low status thin woman would have staved on the journey.
  18. Is having 7 children from a previous relationship a red flag. Does it become red with every additional child. Prehaps, all of these things contribute to a miner read flag.
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