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  1. Thank you so much for all of your replies and for the interest you guys are displaying here. I feel a little more confortable about the subject and I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell the specifics of the situation. The reason that I was (and still am a little) scared about saying it in the forums is because the members which witnessed the events might see it and that terrifies me... But I will not let my fear prevent me from improving myself or from being surrounded with a community that enjoys and respects my presence. In this group we often engaged in deep topics such as childhoods and the such. However there was this guy (that we will call A for the sake of discretion and simplicity) in the group that I perceived would usually not take things very seriously and would joke around in deeper topics. Maybe it was true or not but I don't know and not does it matter in this case. My course of action apon realizing that was what set everything into motion and was the cause of the problem. For those who asked if I initiated the use of force It was on a Skype conversation so we only exchanged words and I did not threaten him with violence so I think I didn't break the NAP but after the complete story you'll be the judge of that. Anyway, apon this realization I thought it would be helpfull to, essencially, act like a therapist and try to connect with his wounded inner child. After witnessing Stef do it multiple times in his show (and growing a deep admiration for him as a result) I thought that I would be doing a great service to this fella so that he can overcome his (as I perceived to be) fear of connection. Anyone with half a brain can imediatly tell that this would result in a disaster given that I do not posess neither the YEARS of therapy that Stef went through nor the professional training that psychotherapists have... I, however, did not realize this in time. Notice that I said ACT like a therapist. There is a reason for this. Because of my childhood traumas, lack of self-knowledge and no therapy I don't know how to connect with people and I ended up faking empathy and connection for reasons I'm not sure but I have an ideia... The result ? I was trying cure lack of connection with fake connection which is a complete and utter disaster. Some members of the group deemed this immoral because of the fact that the WORST thing you can do to a person with fear of connection and to give the person the ILLUSION of connection but then taking it away from them... And yes in all of my actions there are some nasty implications that I wasn't aware at the moment but I was made aware of them after hours of journaling about this (such as me saying that I look up to Stef and I try to be like him but then go on to faking empathy which implies that I think that he too fakes empathy which was a horrible realization) If you still need more clarification please feel free to ask. I feel really bad for what I did and I wish to make emends altho it's perfectly reasonable for them to not want to engage with me. However what I'm really scared of is what if the rest of the FDR comunity decides to (as thebeardslastcall pointed out earlier) jump in the same bandwagon and ostracize me which would the last door of virtue to close. Thank you for reading.
  2. I've been away from this community for a lot of time now since I last discovered FDR and some of you may recognize me from a couple of mouths ago (or something like that I'm not sure) and since then some things have happened with some FDR members that have been troubling me.... a lot, torturing me emotionally really and this is the reason why I have been away for so long. This topic is not about what happened in and of itself but the consequences that it has on my credibility in this community. Ok enough with the abstactions. I was in a Skype group with some FDR members and sometime after the formation of said group I did something extremelly inapropriate and dysfunctional (that I'm not confortable telling here) and some of the members deemed it evil (which now in insight I don't find it to be the case at all). After that I felt very disaproved off and some time after I got ostracized from said group. After these events the true nightmare began. In the midst of my thoughts and emotions an argument arose which has been haunting me: P1-The FDR community is based on reputation. P2-People with bad reputation or who did horrible things get ostracized. P3-I did a horrible thing. P4-FDR members know each other to the extent that they will tell each other to not engage with me. C1-I'm gonna get ostricized from the whole community P5-Generally people who are ostricized by the FDR community are bad people. C2-I'm a bad person. And this argument has made me very anxious and fearful of ever engaging with anyone other than zombies (almost becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy). Untill now. Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to get it of my chest. Comments, sugestions, thoughts, opinions... they are all very welcome. Thank you for your atention.
  3. Stefan discusses in detail why he is positive towards Trump in the most recent call-in-show: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3174/weeping-hugroom-fascism-call-in-show-january-6th-2016
  4. Yes i'm also 19 and i've had a wonderfull Ideia. how about a Skype group called "Young Philosophers" ? I'm Skype name is ricardo.mata82 if you are interested ! I love having people from FDR add me in Skype so feel free to do so
  5. First of all, It feels to me that you have an OBLIGATION to make your son an atheist which defeats the purpose of parenthood which is to let the offspring decide on its own. Why are you certain it would drive a wedge between you and him ? Did you raise him to be an independent, logical thinker ? Could you elaborate a little more on that please ? Another area i'd like to adress is that fact that your son might have been pussy blinded and he's putting up with the illogical religion to get access to the eggs.... so did you teach him that men can, and will, most of the times, be pussy blinded ? I await your responses....
  6. I hope i'm not being too rude (still resolving my assertiveness problem) but it would be advisable to read Stef's book called "Universally Preferable Behavior - A Rational Proof of Secular Ethics" before asking to explain the book for you. If you have any doubt, comment, opinion or don't agree with any of the premisses or arguments put foward in the book then feel free to come back with some specific questions Link to the book: https://freedomainradio.com/free Happy Reading
  7. The free-market does it again ! Creativity in action XD Enjoy! http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Obamasnow_7885d2_1253857.jpg http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/1834388/Brock http://images.latintimes.com/sites/latintimes.com/files/styles/pulse_embed/public/2014/09/13/ray-rice-and-roger-goodell-memes.jpeg?itok=D9Bi5jQn
  8. Liked, commented and sharing it with everyone I know. Awesome work !
  9. MagnumPI you sound like you could have an interesting conversation with Stef about this. Care to call in ? I would love to hear what you and him have to say about Stef's "contradictions".
  10. In practical terms, in order to consider the taking of another object theft the owner needs to be able to prove that it is, in fact, his item. If you cannot prove that the item is yours then it cannot have any moral value much like an unprovable hypothesis cannot have a truth value. Thus It's not immoral to take the penny or the $20 bill because the owner cannot prove that the money is his. It is morally neutral. However in the wallet case, If the wallet has some sort of provable element that link the wallet to a person (in the statist paradigm it's the ID but in a stateless societ it could be anything really.) then it is immoral.
  11. Looking for people to play the board game Mafia! I know this community doesn't like lies and deception very much but i've always loved those types of games. I'm thinking about getting people on Skype to play it through a digital medium (vĂ­deo game version) because mafia as many versions in the board edition and not everyone has it. Looking forward for your replies if you think it's a good ideia!
  12. Lacks bulling to be an accurate representation of the public school system.
  13. First of, i'm so sorry for what happened in your childhood. 3 years into FDR haven't desensitized me from monstrous pasts somehow. That having been said, I think that confronting your parents can only be a valid option so long as you are safe from physical harm to which I can't say you are given your parents' agressiveness (mainly your father). You obviously know your parents better than anyone else so you should be able to feel it in your "bones" if you are safe or not. The reason I'm saying this is because you think you might be "chickening out". Given the agression you saw from your parents do you think it's not justified ? Do you think it's irrational to fear their capacity for violence ? People often overlook the violence factor to their own peril. If you want to call in to the show by all means do it. I don't think they will think of it as a waste of time. Good luck.
  14. Nah. However I agree with bootoo.
  15. A post about someone admiting they have made a mistake gets more likes than an actual topic. Sounds FDR enough to me XD
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