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  • Gender
  • Location
    Boulder, Colorado
  • Interests
    I enjoy reading books about psychology, mathematics, politics, art history, and writing thoughts about the books I read in my journals. I like to sculpt clay, painting with oil paint and water color, drawing with charcoal and chalk pastel, and making plaster tile sculpture. I mainly like to draw and sculpt castles, and it enjoy scenery and landscape drawing and painting very much. I like to play point and click hidden object games on my computer and iPad very often. I also like to spend time quietly sitting in my room doing my reading and writing in the company of my neighbor's cat that I have adopted and let her spend as much time in my room with me as she wants to.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ah ok! I suspected there would be some fudging load weights and heights, and book-cooking as it were. I am planning to drive for a big company and wouldn't be taking on personally the costs of maintaining the entirely of the truck, so that is a good thing. DO you remember tactics for inclement weather and road conditions that your father used? Thanks for the reply too!
  2. Hi, I am going to start trucking school and am wondering if anyone on the Freedomain Radio forum is a truck driver anywhere, and also in the U.S. and Canada where my operation area will be. I want to ask some seasoned drivers for their best practices advice and suggestions, and find out about how to meet the state regulations requirements since I will be forced to do so. Thank you, ToniC
  3. I hate Feminism, and I am glad I have never considered fostering its lies of its existence, and I feel no need to be apart of it for being a woman, as if it is some sort of 'sisterhood'. Feminists fuck women over with deceit and false virtue signaling. Third-wave Feminism has created idiots of many women, and I am glad to say I have never been one. I love men, and manhood, as men and boys are beautiful humans, and maleness needs to be preserved for men and boys to be happy and healthy. Thank you for posting this!
  4. A4E, That situation sounds to have been very difficult for you, and thank you for sharing about your experience. Were you feeling afraid of the man, or that he might turn his physical aggression at you and try to beat your ass? Were you having any physical sensations like rapid breathing and heart rate, like a fight or flight response when you witnessed him hitting his daughter, and at your own thinking of intervening? Also, why does not intervening == necessarily being a coward? Have you dialogued with yourself about what was going on for you in that situation and if you had personal fears come up for you, like being harmed yourself? Have you given your ANY empathy as what that situation was like for you and that little girl? I'm curious to know more about what was going on for you in that experience, and I'm not interested in telling you what you should have done. I have intervened a few times on behalf of children being yelled at, threatened, assaulted et al, and I had physical reactions, and even readied myself for physical attack as I know it is very possible for that type of escalation. My interventions weren't taken on lightly, and I always consider my safety first when deciding to intervene. Do you think one choosing their own safety and well-being in witnessing an abuse situation and not intervening is a cowardly act, or should one not have any concern for one's own well-being and possible consequences and go all in? I am having curiosity toward to this coward characterization you and another are applying to you. I don't see many question marks in this thread. Have you given yourself any sympathy at witnessing what was happening to and for that little girl, and how you were feeling?
  5. </MMX2010>;
  6. I would like this very much!
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