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  1. I remember watching a show Stefan did on this years ago on YouTube, where he went through how black offenders in the U.S. receive longer sentences than whites for the same crime. I cannot find it anymore, not sure if it has been removed. According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission's report published in 2017, a black man on average receives a 20% longer sentence than a white man for the same crime. Whether or not violence committed in the past year is factored into it doesn't make much difference, accounting for less than 1% difference. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing Is anyone able to debunk this? Or is it true? And if so, what could be the reasons apart from the obvious leftist narrative?
  2. LDL and HDL are not actually cholesterol, they are proteins (LDL: High Density Lipoprotein). They transport the cholesterol to various parts of your body, but there is only one type of cholesterol. LDL takes it to various places in your body, then HDL takes it back home again.
  3. Even though the voting is mandatory, 19% of registers voters still do not vote. And out of those that do vote, 5% of the ballots cast are invalid compared to only 1% in New Zealand. Fortunately as a NZ citizen I cannot vote in Australia, which people tell me I'm lucky
  4. That's an interesting point... Inflation really is the "invisible" tax that many people are not very aware of. I wonder how much the wages of Walmart employees, for example, would fall if they didn't artificially get increased by the minimum wage?
  5. I didn't say just "wages" because wages have increased in nominal terms -- it's the buying power that has decreased, which is the important bit.
  6. Ah yes, that makes perfect sense: The capitalists like to take jobs to China and India because the U.S has made it too expensive to hire low-skill workers. Thanks!
  7. Hey everyone, When I claim that America's decline in real wages during the last few decades is attributed to the massive growth in government during that time, people often say that it's because "corporations are moving jobs offshore to China and India, where they're cheaper to hire people. This drives down wages in America". What would you guys say to that?
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