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  1. It's not bullshit. Marketing is story telling. The better stories are closer to the truth. What I'm saying is, without patents you'd have to sell your own inventions. Like get manufacturing and distribution. The only difference between you and Joe down the street would be how well you market your product. If you say it's far superior or you have better service than Joe's and that was the truth you'd win. If that wasn't the truth people would catch on quickly and you'd lose. There is no easy way to do it as an inventor without the assistance of the state. What happens right now is called extortion. An inventor gives a patent right to a business. The business does the hard work of manufacturing, marketing and selling the inventor's designs. The business then pays off the inventor to avoid government goons from taking that money by force. Of course you'd be in favor of patents. That's how you make a living. Not saying it's bad or good. Just saying you have to be true to yourself. But what do I know. I work for a government school.
  2. You obviously aren't a sales guy. In a world of no patents it comes down to who has the best marketing. Who's the better sales guy There are a ton of businesses using the same products, selling the same products, and creating the same products. (example: most pain relieve medicine or pens) But those that succeed have better marketing. As an inventor how do you make money? You don't, unless you can do business too.
  3. Unfortunately if it continues its current path it will fail. If you'd like a business like this to succeed you need to make it an "art" as Seth Godin says. (highly recommend his books) Find ways to make this business unique. Just like in all good marketing tell a story that people will pay for. Do something like offer tours with the taxi, Try to get businesses to partner with you to shuttle people from airports, restaurants, or malls. Sell it as the authentic city taxi. Put ads up that say There's only one true way to travel in this city and that's with the Yellow Taxi. On top of it all, provide a good service that will get people talking. It's free marketing. Try to find problems that a taxi service will solve. If you're unwilling to try new things, especially in today's business world you will fail.
  4. I just stumbled upon Alfie recently. He hits the nail on the head about children and public/private schools. I just picked up a few of his books. It's very fascinating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3T8pFxIeyYFull Speechhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ephQ8Y8Srkw
  5. I would love to live forever. The world is certainly capable of entertaining me for a very, very long time.
  6. Just wondering, I didn't see it posted here maybe I missed it, but did you guys happen to record it? That would be really interesting to listen to. I would definitely be interested in joining a next one.
  7. Sad how someone can gloat on a stage in front of an audience about emerging inequality, call it progress and get a round of applause.
  8. Personal attacks and fear mongering seems to be a recurring pattern with most statists. It's really sad.
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