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Everything posted by Spleanicus

  1. This sounds pretty neat! I played a lot of 3.5 and am just starting up a 5e campaign (having some hiccups with adjusting to it from 3.5 but liking it). How might it happen? Text/forum based? VoIP? Side question; I'd thought about it a while but what alignment would an AnCap be? I thought Chaotic Good.
  2. Apparently so. In Spain. I find it interesting. http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/02/yes-there-really-is-a-city-with-no-police-officers/
  3. I cam across this post on Tumblr (say what you will about it, there's some good stuff there lol). A resident of Florida is living off the grid but the state has declared that illegal now. http://think-squad.com/post/110070574400/robin-speronis-lives-off-the-grid-in-florida
  4. I too am learning to drive. I had to switch instructors/schools because the previous guy wasn't very helpful. This new guy is very in-depth and informative. Maybe a different instructor will help? Someone who's better a dealing with anxious learners. I get a little bit nervous, too, and sometimes get a bit tunnel-visioned. Not literally in the sense that I don't look out but I might tend to slow down when I do or forget which gear I'm in (learning stick).
  5. This popped up in my social media feed. http://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/26304579897 It's disturbing that these girls giggle at the violence.
  6. Man, I've grown up seeing my fair share of bogan families (live next door to one that has a yard full of beat up cars and revs engines way too much) and the way they treat their kids (and spouses) is just terrible. Sorry ya had to grow up under one.
  7. Thought it was "hold a job for 1 year"? Heck longest job I ever held was 4 years with some gaps.
  8. J.O seemed to be leaning away from The Daily Show to begin with but it's starting to seem like he's got Stewart's hand up his back.
  9. All the best to ya
  10. Cheers. I'm pretty terrible at keeping up with news on the home soil.
  11. What's goin' on here, hm?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHwlrgfBmVA
  12. Sorry I couldn't really think of a better topic title. I came across this news today and it provoked a deep, visceral reaction of anger and sorrow.http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/crime/pennsylvania-father-discovers-11-month-old-son-outside-near-garbage-after-child-sProbably would be overshadowed by the NFL players currently under fire for domestic/child abuse in the MSM (and possibly by the fact that the abuser isn't the father).
  13. Saw this news article todayhttp://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/deadpool-arrested-on-sydney-train-police-alerted-to-superhero-armed-with-guns-grenades-and-ninja-swords/story-fni0cx12-1227001404525I think it's backwards that folks are more afraid of a guy in a comic book character costume with fake weapons than folks in blue costumes with real guns.Thoughts?
  14. Update: Looks like it has now been abolishedhttp://www.skynews.com.au/news/top-stories/2014/07/17/vote-to-repeal-carbon-tax-passes-senate.html
  15. A Nigerian man has been committed to a mental institute in Kano state despite being given a clean bill of health because he declared he did not believe in God, a humanist charity has said.http://richarddawkins.net/2014/07/nigerian-put-in-mental-hospital-for-atheism/
  16. Cheers, ribuck :)I suspect that whenever one tax is repealled, another will pop up somewhere down the line. Probably bigger.When Howard lost, I, in my naivety, thought the GST was going with him (thinking that was what lost him votes).
  17. It came up on my Facebook feed from one my left wing (Australian) pro-Labor Party aquaintences that the Carbon Tax Repeal has been rejected. While I'm not surprised by that (given that income tax was supposed to be a temporary measure), it made me think "Has there ever been a tax repeal in any western nation in the past 100 years or so?"
  18. He seems to be rather serious about his attack (I don't think criticism is an apt word in this case) on Libertarianism/AnCap.There are more uploads than just this.And yeah he was a cop and I think also ex military so that whole structure/law/order thing I imagine is internalised.
  19. G'day philosophers, newbie to FDR here ::)So I was on Youtube recently and one of the channels I follow has recently started weighing in on Libertariansim/Anarchism/Free market.He's a pretty clever bloke but seems pretty deeply rooted in Statism. Because I'm still rather new to a lot of this I don't think I can make the arguements for anarchism efffectively.Here's one such uploadhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd0h1QI8gV8I'd personally enjoy listening to a debate with him and Stef if they were up for it.Thoughts on any of this?
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