Rand wrote two books on writing (one on fiction, one on non-fiction) and "The Romantic Manifesto", which is about romantic art in general. I did some searching to see if I could verify Stef's claim, and this is the closest I've found so far:
"... in a literary work, both the characterizations and the events are to be created by the author, according to his view of the role of values in human psychology and existence (and according to the code of values he holds to be right). His characters are abstract projections, not reproductions of concretes; they are invented conceptually, not copied reportorially from the particular individuals he might have observed. The specific characters of particular individuals are merely the evidence of their particular value-choices and have no wider metaphysical significance (except as material for the study of the general principles of human psychology); they do not exhaust man’s characterological potential."
“What Is Romanticism?”The Romantic Manifesto, 106
(emphasis mine)