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Everything posted by Kaizerdave

  1. I am an Anarcho-Capitalist However recently I was informed of the idea of Cooperative housing, whereby the people living in the apartments own the premises together and thus here is no top down land lord telling them what they can and cannot do. Do you guys think that it would be a good idea, and if so, could this be enacted across all aspects of the market, including food, jobs, health, police etc instead of private ownership?? (Or Semi-Private since the landlord is still technically in charge) Or is this method not able to be sustained or expanded?? Are there limits to cooperative housing? And what is bad about them?
  2. Theres been a huge amount of wannabe econ warriors who are stating that without NN the world will turn into 'Anarchy' and we will lose the great internet we once had.Some of the arguments I am hoping you will help me debunk...1. 30% of Americans don't have access to more than 1 ISP, so there are Regional monopolies, so we should make sure there are NN laws in place to stop them messing about.2. Companies would bribe ISP's to get better access, and ISP's might block or reduce speeds to sites. 3. Fast lane systems destroy competition, if you had Verizon and they made it so that Facebook goes really fast but everything else very slow.Its the same as saying that a Mobile company is allowed to reduce access to certain places, like Pizza Hut, or over 1000km away etc.Are these true or stupid. Please give the Free Market Way!
  3. I've noticed something that might explain why people think that planned obsolescence is a reality. I've got an old Pentax SLR Camera and it works fine, good as new, even though its over 30 years old. Whereas my brand new Mac is already showing signs of fault within less than a year.Could it perhaps be because older devices that were kinetic didn't run on electronic power and were more manual and natural, but because more modern devices are made with Electricity in mind they are more prone to faultiness and thus they tend to burn out quickly and you need to buy a new one every few years?Thats just my view on it, what do you think? Are electronic devices not designed to last very long.
  4. Theres a fella called Cameron, who hosts a channel called 'Libertarian Socialist Rants'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI6a7WySFsUIt's got about 19,000 subscribers and he seems pretty popular, though his latest video about Feminism has put him lower on the scale thankfully...He believes that jobs should be collectively owned by the 'Workers' and that equality is more important than liberty and individualism.But what confuses me about his whole philosophy which he never seems to answer is... How can a free, anarchist society exist, and at the same time have a force involved that states that all businesses need to be collectively owned and managed?Surely an element of large force is necessary in order for businesses to go by those terms. Seriously the kids a nut.But could anyone give me any guidance or information on why An-Com is stupid?
  5. For a growing economy I'm surprised why there is so much distain for gays in Russia?Only a 5th agree that Homosexuality should be tolerated, and if you've seen any of the videos about Russia and Gays, then look at the comment section, its not very pretty.Is there a justifiable reason why there is this problem? And will in the future this lack of tolerance die down?
  6. I was persuaded by Stefan that the idea of Planned obsolescence was a ridiculous idea because competitors would just make different products and make them better.But I've been watching a documentary on BBC and it seems to show that even things like Printer Cartridges have dials in them that counts down each print that you do, thereby making them stop even when there is fresh ink in the cartridge...Is this a reality?http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p01zxmrv/the-men-who-made-us-spend-episode-1The bit I refer to is at about 11:30 Would be great to find out.
  7. I'm 19, doing a degree at university, left my first degree in Performing arts because I hated it mainly because all of the people were immature and not my type of people, so I moved onto another one in film making, I have finished my first year with a 1st. :)I have always been very rational throughout my life even when I was a religious person (ironic) I always analyse people way too much and tend to never agree with someone much of the time due to being skeptical of just about anything.As of such I feel that I don't tend to have a very fun time when I am around others.There was a time during my early days at university when I was quite a party animal, but I have looked back on this in time and found myself quite embarrassed about it, today I normally tend to stay indoors and research stuff, so basically i've turned into a nerd. I've only ever had 1 girlfriend which I wouldn't consider very enjoyable because we started too fast. I am always trying to be the nicest person I possibly can but I find that nobody ever seems to value me or want to spend much time with me.Today I went to a BBQ with my housemates and found that I barely knew anything of what to say, everyone around me was having a fantastical time and just letting their hair go and I was just very held back by everyone there.I've sunk into a bit of a downer now and I don't normally get very depressed like this, and at the same time I never enjoy chatting about emotions because I find it so cringey, so I want to figure out a way of just relaxing myself and not having to be so critical all the time, or... is it a good thing to be like this and in the future when everyone settles down I will start enjoying my way in life?
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