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Please explain how? I do not understand. I do see how my post could have been offensive, but that seems to be where my understanding drops off.
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I am glad you brought this up. I hear you, and I see how it can be an insulting thing to say. I will try to avoid doing this in the future. To explain myself I have only been here a little over a week and my experience so far makes me feel that 1/3-1/2 of the people at FDR are like this at least some of the time. My opinion is likely skewed because I am new here, and because of the emotional nature of my first major post. Either way this is almost exactly how I feel about FDR at the moment. You can damn me for it if you want, but I am hoping my experience so far is not the true face of FDR and my opinion will change quickly. Instead of being insulted you could have also looked at it this way. I am new and don't know what to think about the new community I joined. I am use to people online being unempathetic, reactionary, and emotional just like we all are out side of FDR. Because of this I am just trying to prepare viewers to a potentially inflammatory idea. The intro was meant to diminish emotional reactions not insult peoples intelligence. Obviously it was not needed, but I thought I would be better safe then sorry. Everyone no matter how smart can be hurt and get emotionally defensive if their beliefs are being attacked. I was trying to take this into account and prepare people for what could have ended up being very reactionary responses towards me. While I may have been unintentionally insulting, you also chose to take what I said as insulting instead of being empathetic towards me. I could say that I am insulted that you assumed that my intentions were insulting. Why would you automatically think that I meant to post to a forum like this to insult people? Of course I don't think this about you, but I am just exaggerating to show that any comment can be taken negatively or positively depending on the viewer. Four people commented before you and they at least did not think I was being insulting. As a matter of fact JSDEV noticed that I just thought I was saying something controversial. It is better to question people on their intentions then to make wrong assumptions. I did not mean by this reply to minimize your feeling or further upset you, but to let you in on my own point of view and feelings. I think this topic may make an interesting thread. Please let me know if you would like to talk about this more I will start one up. So I am going to try to summarize this argument to break it down and see if I am fully understanding you. Please correct me if I get something wrong. You are arguing that people in society are flawed, damaged, and illogical. To argue without anarchy would be like emulating what other groups do to convert people now. Pop phrases, and emotional biting quotes are the most effective way to convince people and get their attention, but it is not the right thing to do. We should not be like everyone else. We should take the high ground even if it slows the rate of growth. We should be a good example for the world and for future generations. If I have interpreted your comment right this is quite an interesting idea. I guess it would come down to if logic, facts, and the moral high ground more important when peoples lives are literally on the line? You could also argue if you don't fix the basic problem of people being illogical then you will just have brainless followers being anarchists, and will that really change the world in a permanent way? If we start now by being good examples of what anarchy will be, and try to break the negative stereotypes we could get some where. I think this is a good idea and argument.
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To tell the truth I made the title overly attention grabbing. I was hoping for disagreement, but there does not seem to be any.
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OK before everyone rages here I am being serious and I am an anarchist like the rest of you. I am going to simply be talking about strategy for the future. I am not trying to argue that we should not be anarchists, and I am not trying to attack anarchy at its core. Please keep try to keep your emotions in check I would like to just talk about strategy, and how effective the current anarchy campaign is presently. I have noticed that because of brainwashing, lack of self knowledge, negatives representations of anarchy in media, normalization of violence, etc, anarchy is an incredibly tough sell to anyone. Converting a meaningful portion of the population to anarchy is a daunting and impossible task. Because of this should we spend our time working on the near impossible? Supporting and teaching statists to instead support voluntary relationships, oppose violence, and leave politics as much out of it as you can. Don't tell them you are a anarchist. Don't even hint at it. And don't even try to suggest they change their political beliefs. Just attack them at the most basic level and help get them to support the fundamentals and the rest will follow in time. I would argue that if you can help push the population towards the basics fundamentals of anarchy without telling them so they will be primed for future conversion. Another problem with being an anarchist is that once you claim to be one you put a target on your back. Your opinions and arguments are automatically less effective. People do not like anarchy and their defenses go up instantly. If you never trigger that first set of defenses then you have a higher chance to get them to stop hitting their kids, change their relationships, etc. I would suggest simply stating you are pro nonviolence, and have no political ties. In conclusion I propose that it would be more effective in the short and long run to abandon anarchy and just promote nonviolence. If you start with nonviolence and people start applying it to all aspects of their lives the ending effect will be at very least a bunch of statist libertarians which would be a great start. I would even suggest not saying you are an anarchist, libertarian, or any political view at all. I think if you stay as neutral as possible and attack the fundamental flaws in society you will see a faster more effective change. What do you think of my theory? Is it spot on? Do you completely disagree? Do you have an alternative plan? Do you think anarchy is spreading quickly enough? Do you think anarchy will ever leave the fringe with our current strategy?
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Anarchist Theme song
philschneider replied to philschneider's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I have not really gotten into bad religion yet surprisingly. I have always meant to I guess I need to get to it.- 8 replies
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I originally posted this in General discussion and there were no one commented. It thought maybe I would get a better conversation going Under anarchy. If not then I will drop it. Sorry for the double post, but I does not seem possible for me to delete my original post to move it to here. So when I as a teenager I was really into heavy metal and loved Mudvayne. I still enjoy this music now, but I recently started actually listening to the lyrics of the songs and was completely surprised. I am not sure if there are more hidden gems, but thissong in my mind puts all of my thoughts of anti-state into one bad ass song. I personally consider this my anarchist theme songand it usually helps me remember that I am not alone and one day we will end the tyranny. Because if even a bunch of young kids playing heavy metal music out of Peoria, IL can notice and speak out against the state then we all can.(they are not that young now but they were when they wrote this) http://www.azlyrics....ne/choices.html Does anyone else like this song and agree? Do you have your own anarchist theme song? Or do you know of any anarchist music in general that you would like to share with me and FDR? Lets all rock out and fight the man together!
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Does going to college defeat the purpose of home schooling?
philschneider replied to tiepolo's topic in Education
From my experience college did the complete opposite for me. I know that everyone does not have the same experience, but I learned quite a lot about how high school was propaganda. For one I was very lucky and had a philosophy teacher who did not just tell me about the history of philosophy. It was a pretty rigorous course that consisted of mostly Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, and Nietzsche. I took Socrates question everything mentality, and how do you know blank is true mentality very seriously. I took it so seriously in fact that my friends started getting annoyed and started calling me Socrates for about 3 months. Secondly I received a degree in history which opened my eyes to real history. One of the best classes I ever took was a junior research paper on Genocide. Every student had to pick a different genocide to write about and we all read our papers to each other at the end of class. It was eye opening to say the least. To sum it up college made me question everything I had previously learned to be true. I would no longer believe statements without evidence. And I strove, and still do, to not take historians interpretations as fact and to find the true history behind the popular interpretation. College turned me into an atheist and a Libertarian by my 2nd year. Sadly I do not think this is a typical outcome, but I could be wrong. -
"I'm drinking and smoking because my unborn baby is a BOY"
philschneider replied to corpus mentium's topic in Current Events
This is by far the most disgusting and revolting thing I have read today. This lady is a sociopathic monster. -
These books are an excellent start to understanding what a sociopath is. The sociopath next door is especially useful because it gives real life stories from the victims point of view. It really helps you learn first hand what it is like to be in a relationship with a sociopath I am not sure if I anyone else said this or not, but the official way to test is by using the PCL-R test. If you can get a hold of the test and instructions on how to use the test you can figure out within decent precision how likely it is they are a sociopath or a psychopath. The easiest way would be to buy the inventor of the test's book or take his class, but that can be expensive. There may be a cheaper/free way online if you look around a bit. I would start with getting the book through your local library or inter library loaning it. Below is a link the the PCL-R book I have talked about above. http://www.hare.org/scales/pclr.html There is one copy on amazon, but it must be rare because it is insanely pricey http://www.amazon.com/The-Hare-psychopathy-checklist-revised-manual/dp/B0006OVU86s
I am already in a happy relationship at the moment, but this seems like a great idea. In the past I spent some time looking for anarchist dating websites or forums, and I found nothing. I think FDR would be a good place to try this out.
So when I as a teenager I was really into heavy metal and loved Mudvayne. I still enjoy this music now, but I recently started actually listening to the lyrics of the songs and was completely surprised. I am not sure if there are more hidden gems, but this song in my mind puts all of my thoughts of anti-state into one bad ass song. I personally consider this my anarchist theme song and it usually helps me remember that I am not alone and one day we will end the tyranny. Because if even a bunch of young kids playing heavy metal music out of Peoria, IL can notice and speak out against the state then we all can.(they are not that young now but they were when they wrote this) http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/mudvayne/choices.html Does anyone else like this song and agree? Do you have your own anarchist theme song? Or do you know of any anarchist music in general that you would like to share with me and FDR? Lets all rock out and fight the man together!
I would agree with most of the answers here, but I would like to add a culture based answer. I have a friend who's parents immigrated from Mexico and he told in their culture it is rude and a sign of aggression to make eye contact with an elder or someone who is dominant to you. Other cultures may also be like this, but I am not sure which ones. If you are talking to someone who has a different cultural back ground then your own they may be avoiding eye contact because of old traditions on manners.
Yes I just recently discovered him. He is still young, but his ideas are pretty rock solid. He is also very entertaining. The only issue I have so far is he operates under the non-aggression principle, but thinks its justified to punish children by hitting them. I disagree with him on this point, but otherwise I think he is a great youtuber to check out if you have the time.
You can write something along the lines of "if you provided us a volunteer service we wanted I would give you money instead of my vote" or something like "voting. The next best thing to breaking into my house and stealing my money." or "voting: giving violent people power since 1776" I personally like the last one the best. Short, funny, and effective. Hope you like one of these. Good luck with the poster.
Critique and question on Manipulation
philschneider replied to cobra2411's topic in General Messages
I want to preface this with I have never experienced this, so my opinion may be lacking. I am sorry you are going through this, but yes this is sill manipulation. Just because she is not aware of her manipulation does not change her actions effects. You can be empathetic towards her lack of understanding. You can try to explain and help her, but if she can not understand and change her actions then you can only continue to be separated from her.