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Everything posted by Smash

  1. If you notice my profile, ive been here about a week. Ive listened to Stef information for a few years now but was unable or unwilling to incorporate them into my own life. I may understand these concepts more then the average Jane but that in no way makes me an expert on the matter. Learning even more is what I feel is needed for me to implement a more philosophical lifestyle. I feel like you are shaming me for my lack of input on the boards and implore you to understand why a toddler doesn't discuss things they know very little about. Im obviously trying to embrace these principles, I made a post. I ask questions. I incorporate feedback. I, in no way, owe you any more evidence of whether or not Im trying to live a more philosophical lifestyle. I thank you none the less for your feedback, you have confirmed that I know very little of what I speak and my journey is just beginning.
  2. Hello, My name is Asheli and Ive been an active freedom fighter for the last 2 years. Most of my "fight" has been educating friends, family and sharing the great information found on FDR. As well as joining/participating local political/philosophical change groups online and in person. This post was made to help gather information/videos to show my partner in hopes inspiring him to grow as a person and become actively involved in world change. Ive been in a relationship with a virtues and intelligent man for almost two years now and I cannot seem to expose the hidden power structures of our world in a manner that is intelligent, non-absolutist and thought provoking. Granted, when my journey began I fell into some far fetched information, Im afraid I was unable to decipher reality from showmanship-fiction. With this mistake ive lost credibility :/ Ive also been trying to teach him a few things Ive learned on FDR. This has proven more difficult then the above statement. Over the last few weeks Ive put Stefs podcasts on regarding economics, he liked it.The other morning I found him listening to Ron Paul, a video about the federal reserve from1988. Im becoming very hopeful that he is coming around to the reality of things. He graduated with his MA in business and studied economics in undergrad, he believes almost everything he was 100% correct. Im trying desperately to show him otherwise. Here is my very simplistic version of the world. Id like to prove this to him. There is no more "we the people", politics is fake and is used to manipulate government policy's in a way that favors corporations. Money buys votes. Our current monetary system is a sham and elites bankers have been funneling tax payer money into their own pockets via government. Our economy is almost completely fake.There is no such things as a a President elected by the people. This is a reality, not fiction, people in positions of power are more likely to have bad intentions then those not in power. Good people don't crave that amount of power. This was written in a hurry to please forgive its roughness. Asheli
  3. From reading all the responses, and from my own understanding, your not alone. Im really glad you made this post because there is no way I would have had to courage to do it. Way to go! What I do to combat this is start the conversation with "My journey has just begun, any correction or input on what I say would be appreciated". I found this helpful but not a complete relief of anxiety. I still spend at least an hour after my day to review every conversation I had and critique it in depth. Ive come to the conclusion Im not going to be correct all the time when stepping outside of my comfort zone. Which ive done simply by joining FDR. Ive also learned, much like yourself, I am my own worst critic. Ive had friends (irl) that know so much about whats behind the veil of politics, morality, philosophy. I enjoyed listening but never spoke up, out of fear of embarrassing myself. This partially was because I would see how badly they'd critique each others topic or opinion. Ive started to view criticism as someone saying "Your a great person, heres how you can be even better". Granted this isn't always the case and some people just like to rub in the rightness. Thanks for sharing this and I hope your not feeling oh so alone with this struggle anymore. Asheli
  4. Great post, thanks for sharing. I know I learned a lesson as well so I thank you for that. Asheli
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