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Everything posted by miss_fasterEFT

  1. it means the damage no longer controls our lives" Another good vid by Robert Smith, re FasterEFT. Tapping and learning fasterEFT has increased my self-knowledge and provided solutions to childhood issues. It all started watching Robert's videos on YT, therefore I'm happy to share.
  2. "Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls our lives"
  3. QUIZ: what does the capital F in fasterEFT stand for? a. Freaking b. Focused c. FReeDom d. For F*cked-up e. For Fools
  4. Robert Smith explains some basic principles of fasterEFT thinking system: [8 mins video]
  5. FasterEFT has helped me a lot in my journey of self-knowledge, so much that I've become a practitioner. It is a thinking process that empowers us to make peace with the memories we carry. It can shift our emotional disruptions and restores physical health. I've decided to share it on the FDR board. I understand that it can seem "self-promotion" and I'm taking that on board (pun intended). Stefan has helped me A LOT over the 4-5 years I've been following the show, and only recently it's dawned on me that this can be my way of "giving back". There are tons & tons of free resources on YT by Robert Smith, the creator of FasterEFT. It can be daunting to find the way among his 800 or so videos. I'm happy to help and point whoever is interested to a video related to their issue or to respond to any question. Thanks -
  6. well Kevin, let's say I'm "advertising": there are about 1,000 certified fasterEFT practitioners as per May 2014, so it's a broad brush marketing strategy. Not to mention the thousands of practitioners of traditional EFT, Matrix reimprinting, Positive EFT and all other styles. Secondly, I'm not hiding my skill and I thought my nickname through. Stefan approved my ID and I asked him expressively if it was ok to eventually "offer" sessions . An offer is not coercive, is it? Would you be annoyed if I had IT skills and offered them instead? I'd rather say that I'd like to trigger some interest and curiosity for a tool that has helped me a lot and is helping thousands of others through free content on YT.
  7. here is a good video on "tapping" on anger:
  8. Hi, I'm glad to see the seeds of self-knowledge spreading and benefiting the community. I'm an EFT and fasterEFT practitioner, you can check the videos by Robert Smith of fasterEFT on YT, he goes through some tapping sessions and explanations. I can direct you further of course, if needed. Best.
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