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    Czech republic

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  1. An old friend I haven't been in contact with for some time asked me to be his best man at his wedding. Our life journeys separated by his moving far away before I came across FDR and started going to therapy and now we see each other like once a year. Neither he nor his bride to be are bad or dumb people, but from what I know, they currently seem to be of the widely spread (and to a large degree inherreted) opinion than parenting is something you don't really need to study or particularly prepare for. Both of them were subjected to yelling and hitting as kids (plus you know.. public schools) and I'm kind of afraid that since they haven't been to therapy nor do they take particular interest in studying peaceful parenting at the moment, there's high chance they'll inflict some of that negative behaviour on their future kids (which they plan on having "one day", but are not expecting them at the moment, he's 25, she's 22). Now I thought about having "the peaceful parenting talk" with them, but I'm not quite sure I'd manage to get the message properly accross to them since they live so far away now and we barely meet. I would also hate to provoke resentment in them towards philosophical parenting by sounding preachy. So I thought that maybe 3-5 really comprehensive books about parenting could be a great wedding gift. Both of them love to read (though mostly fiction) and I believe that there are a lot of great authors out there that explain the basics of how not to bring up a damaged human being. So I'd like to know what do you guys think of the idea? Like I said, I'd hate to provoke resentment in them, so I don't want to be the guy who would be like "study these or don't become parents" If you think it might be worth it, what books would you recommend?
  2. You guys who have read 1984 remember how the entire point of Newspeak was to eliminate the possibility of even thinking in terms of real freedom? I also remember that when Stef was talking about the leftist coalition in Greece he mentioned that Greek doesn't even have its equivalent of the word "libertarian". Why am I mentioning this - I was just listening to the show 2932, and when I heard the quote "Because you don't listen!" I realized something I think is really startling. My mother tongue (Czech) has the exact same expression for "listen" as well as for "obey". And I suddenly remembered how frustrating it was in the past when I was naive enough to try to change other people's minds about certain topics. Whenever I would say to someone "Why aren't you listening to what I'm saying?" I would often get a response like "Because I'm not your dog to obey your commands!" .. and it made me wonder - what would it possibly take for the majority of Czechs to even start thinking in terms of free cooperation, when the language we are being taught since we're toddlers is unclear on whether you want people to merely pay attention to the information you're giving them, or you're commanding them to obey you? It almost feels like the "wizards" who rule through language inflicted this curse on us that prevents us from telling the difference between what's voluntary and what is not... What do you guys think about this? I believe there are a lot of non-native English speakers here, so I'm interested if you can think of any other examples like this in your native tongues that keep people in the fog?
  3. Wow, I had very similar ideas while watching the show. I also believe that one of this season's main goals was to further infect its viewers with the idea that having a government is essential and unquestionable. Like when Zaheer killed the queen and then there were all these people running around in the palace looting everything they could. When asked by some of the other characters what's going on, one of the looters said something like "Don't you know? The queen is dead! We can do and take whatever we want!". As if the only thing holding everyone back from becoming animals is the ruler.
  4. He shared this today on his official Facebook page. I put a screenshot here in case the link didn't work, or Peter deleted the status. Here it is, I hope it works.https://www.facebook.com/peterjosephofficial/posts/755074347863056 But you know. Back before I even knew the word "voluntaryism" I actually used to be a Zeitgeister myself. Crazy times. Basically I was afraid that I'll end up homeless at that time, so maybe that's why The Venus Project was so appealing to me.
  5. It's like.... where would you even begin? You'd think that for a guy who advocates elimination of waste and sustainibility P-Jo would have more sense than to make almost 2 thousand copies that only take up storage place for years. Instead he blames the market ... again Your thoughts about this?
  6. You know, when I read what you wrote I felt so angry at you. And for a second I even regretted posting here. But then when others started to reply it felt good again. I believe you didn't consciously intend to cause more harm. I just wonder why it felt appropriate for you to make such jokes to someone who tells you about a traumatising experience? So I guess we both have a lot more self knowledge to achieve Hi, you're right, at this point I know therapy will be the only way out of this mess. You're also right that this was not even remotely the only pain they had inflicted on me. And I also completely agree with you that parents capable of such behaviour are seriously messed up themselves already. They are. That's possibly one of the reasons why I got so angry at BlackHeron for his response, he suggested that the real problem is not being able to tell my parents that what they did hurt me, rather than the sole fact that they did. Thank you guys very much for all your empathetic responses. It felt so fantastic to finally share this experience without being afraid. Yes, I'm 22. I visit my parents' home every two weeks for a weekend. Basically just to see my sister, visit my grandparents who live in the same town or to meet some pals from my hometown. The rest of the time I live in an apartment in a city 2 hours away, with roommates who are my age. Exactly! But it's like they did not even give a flying damn! I mean ... what kind of a person do you have to be, to not feel bad about something like that and keep doing it over, and over, and over... ?
  7. Hi everyone. Earlier this year, Stef had a female caller on the call-in show (I'm sorry, I don't remember the exact date of the show) she told him that when she was in her early to mid teens, her older friends got her drunk and then had sex right in front of her. If I remember correctly, Stef told her that it means she had been a victim of sexual abuse. Now when I heard this, I was really shocked. You see... until I was 15, me, my parents and my sister had shared one bedroom. It's not that the apartement had only 1 bedroom, but my parents wanted the other room to be a living room. And I remember ... I must have been 8 or 9 years old, one time in the middle of the night, I got woken up by the sounds of ... my parents having sex. I opened my eyes and all I saw were parts of two human bodies sticking from under the blanket, moving and shaking. I heard everything. It was all so loud. In that moment I felt probably the most frightened in my entire life. I turned my head towards the wall, closed my eyes and so badly wanted the whole thing to stop. I was so scared and I couldn't make a sound. I pretended to be sleeping through the whole thing and I hoped they wouldn't find out I was awake.... it felt so powerless... Jesus christ I have tears in my eyes... This was the first time that I remember, but this situation when I would wake up in the middle of the night by the sounds of them ... had been happening quite frequently until I was 15 when they decided that maybe it's time to turn the living room into another bedroom. It never occured to me to put this in the sexual abuse cathegory. But even before I even started listening to Freedomain Radio I knew I would never forgive them for the fear I felt as a child because of what they did. But using the term sexual abuse just seemed like too much. As a kid I remember thinking it was probably normal and that it surely must be happening to all the other kids... Probably my Stockholm Syndrome. I did some Googling about what effects on children may it have to have sex in front of them, mostly because I wanted to find out if it really does fall into the sexual abuse cathegory. It turns out it really does. So if I understand it correctly, I had no idea for years that I was repeatedly sexually abused. Or pherhaps I was aware the whole time but learned how to supress it. I don't know. I'm so confused. Am I overreacting? What do I do about this? Do I just come up to my parents and say "Mom, dad I want you to know you are complete monsters." ?
  8. http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-uncomfortable-truths-behind-mens-rights-movement/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=new+article&wa_ibsrc=fanpage
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