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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. If I only had those to options I will prefer to be happy by myself
  2. veganism is supported by science 100%
  3. like Paul Joseph Goebbels the Nazi minister of propaganda said: "the essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it". saying that meat is necessary and healthy is just PROPAGANDA, it is a lie that is destroying peoples health, killing animals and destroying our environment ! Just like the propaganda that government is good and necessary.....
  4. you are contradicting yourself. the only way of treating animals with respect and kindness is by not killing them and taking care of them. WE ARE NOT DESIGNED TO EAT MEAT! killing them and eating them is cruel, unnecessary and is bad for your health and terrible for the environment.
  5. like I said before just because you loose weight on a paleo diet or any other fad diet and look pretty "fit" it doesn't mean it is healthy.... I know people who are bodybuilders and take steroids and look incredibly good and "fit" and it doesn't mean that they are healthy... there are lots of healthy vegan athletes and vegan body builders that are truly fit and healthy. http://www.veganmuscleandfitness.com/ http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/
  6. because I have tried a lot of different diets including paleo low carb diets before I knew the truth... before I became vegan when I used to think that I was eating a "balanced healthy" diet and exercise weekly and was very "fit" but I had a problems with my digestion, I had problems with allergies, I was chronically fatigued, and I developed cysts in my ovaries and I was very sick... I was taking a lot of different medications and I lost a lot of weight, and I tried different diets until I read about veganism, and the propaganda that the meat, dairy and egg industry says so I have also been there... and I started to open my eyes and see the truth... that we are not carnivores, not even omnivores, and that we are not born to consume animal products. I always considered myself to be an animal lover so it made me think of that contradiction too. so I began to question myself that if we are not biologically designed to eat meat then eating meat and killing innocent animals is evil and unnecessary. so it became an ethical and also a health reason for me to become a vegan. I since I became a vegan my health problems go away without the need of medication and I know that veganism is the right thing to do in every way.
  7. for REAL information please check out http://nutritionfacts.org/ http://www.adaptt.org/ http://www.pcrm.org/ http://www.drmcdougall.com/ http://www.drfuhrman.com/ http://nutritionstudies.org/
  8. Also most people who defend eating animal products are just not educated on the subject because they have been brainwashed by these big industries (who just want to profit at expense of others) and this does not always make them bad people. Just like the people who defend government.
  9. FROM AN ETHICAL STANDPOINT, CRUELTY IN "MODERATION" IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE!! moderate amounts of animal products are detrimental to the human body because moderate amounts of cholesterol, animal fat, trans fatty acids, casein and animal proteins, are just as harmful as moderate amounts of white refined sugar, tobacco, and heroin. if you want to avoid lung cancer and emphysema, moderately smoking five cigarettes per day would not be too bright. if you want to avoid heart disease, most cancers, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other diseases, not even moderate amounts of meat, dairy and eggs can be on the menu!! just because you are not overweight doesn't mean you are healthy (but people are getting bigger and bigger and each year and the consumption of meat, dairy and eggs is rising. also diseases are rising each year, what a coincidence!) and yes fad diets however are capable of bringing weight loss, but if loosing weight and not being healthy is the goal people should try other weight-loss methods like smoking crack!! (obviously I am not recommending that insane technique) skinniness doesn't equal healthiness. good looking meat, dairy, and egg eaters have heart attacks and cancer too... not to mention the massive destruction of the environment that results of eating animal products!! people who enjoy eating animal products should at least tell the truth!! instead of saying non logical arguments about why we need to eat meat and why it is ok to kill animals at least admit that you enjoy the taste and that you don't want to stop that cruel habit because your personal pleasures are more important than the well being of animals and the well being of the world in general.
  10. *The Psychology of Man´s Possible Evolution *The Death of Ivan Ilych *Crime and Punishment *Integral Spirituality *The China Study *Freedom from the known *Zorba the Greek
  11. when I saw the movie I didn't expect it to be about how relationships should really be! I didn't expect it to be philosophical at all! I really liked that the movie talks about how having a real connection with someone gives you more pleasure than the superficial pleasure of sex alone, and also about men´s and woman´s unrealistic expectations... It is a really cool movie! I really enjoy it.
  12. I think only when we feel unconditional love for ourselves first (it can only be found through the path of self knowledge), we can really experience true love. You are going to be attracted to somebody who feels the same about himself (or herself) and the relationship will be very healthy and beautiful. You will love that person unconditionally; the same applies when you have children, only when you truly love yourself, accept and respect yourself you can love, accept, respect, and truly CARE about your children.
  13. What I meant when I said that we need to be responsible for the world, for the animals and for our health, is that I do care about me, but when you start caring about yourself, you start also caring about others and the world we live in... The world we live in is an extension of ourselves. I know I can not change anybody but I know I can change myself and when I change and I start to understand what´s true and what´s not , what is right and what is wrong, I can help others understand it as well... We are all creating the world we live in so I think it is very important to care about yourself but also care about this world. caring just about you is very selfish and destructive, that is why the world we live in is so chaotic... But please correct me if I am wrong
  14. People don't want to hear bad things about their bad habits! People who defend eating meat, eggs and dairy don't want to stop eating them and just try to ignore true information because the truth makes them feel uncomfortable. Remember that the truth will set you free but first it will piss you off! Eating animal products is immoral, because we are killing them just because they taste "good". We are not born to eat animals, we are not carnivores, not even omnivores! Maybe a long time ago it was a matter of survival so people ate meat, but that doesn't mean it is healthy. The body is very strong and resistant and can survive eating almost anything, but now we are living in a times where we have a lot of options so choosing to eat meat is violent. (It is the violation of the non aggression principle). People are not only killing innocent animals but are destroying their health, and are destroying the environment. we need to be responsible of the world, for the animals and for our health. please check out this books that are written by real doctors who are saving people and are making a difference in this world: The China Study, Eat to Live, Reverse Heart Disease, The Starch Solution, Dr. Neal Bernard´s program for reversing diabetes
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