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  1. Hi there, I live in Toronto and we have a local fdr facebook group you may be interested in joining: https://www.facebook.com/groups/312066895506516 We get together every few weeks and you're welcome to come along.
  2. The feedback has been challenging to say the least, but in the end...appriciated. I've revised my profile based on the advice given (to some degree), so feel free to re-critique. I've tried to redo it with a little more spontaneity. I'm not after casual sex (I have done the friends with benefits thing, didn't suit me) however I am interesting in gaining experience, improving my confidence and figure out in greater detail what I like in a woman.
  3. HI Susana, it's hard to point to a 'type' of woman that I'd like to be with, but someoneone who is intellectually inclined, interested in continually learning, curious, on the conservative side of things lifestyle-wise, interested in raising a family in the future and being part of a community (not being withdrawn or a homebody). I don't go to the gym or do many things visibly exciting and most group pictures I have, have a lot of friends in them and it would seem weird i think...like look at all my friends, and me at a distance! Could you elaborate on the necessity of a guy coming across as exciting? Or ways to remain authentic while doing that. I'm a pretty calm guy who's trying to attract a girl who is at a similar energy level.
  4. Hrmmm, MMX2010 has following your strategy above worked well for you in finding a quality partner? I asked for feedback from women, because I'm marketing myself to women. I'm not expecting the same women who show interest to also give me tough-to-hear advice, but I have met female friends and older mentor-ish women who have given me useful feedback. I also wouldn't be angry at a woman for giving me her opinion (regardless of how effective it seemed to be), nor did I say she has to give me advice for me to show interest, so its not lose-lose, its win-win. I don't expect a woman to perfectly "just get it" in regards to me/men and need no feedback, so I would find it kind of hypocrtical if she expected perfection in that regard from me. I feel like I get ENOUGH of it, to be reasonably successful with women, which I have been. If my photos seem to reflect a man who has "loneliness and heartache" A tired man, a wounded man with no energy to pour into the world, who has had few, if any, relationships with women. I'm sorry but you are off base. OKC has worked very well for me, I'm just being very selective in regards to dating especially beyond the first few dates. Perhaps what are you are picking up on is somewhat valid, but your asssement of my life is WAY off regarding the amount/quality of relationships I've been in in the past, the degree of passion I've poured into things, etc. I'm curious to know if OTHER people are struck in same way because there seems to be (based on what you said) a disconnect between how I present online and who I am in reality. I'm not sure if you were trying to motivate me through shock value, but it came across as lacking empathy and curiosity. It also seems you feel quite confident in making a lot of assumptions, which is frusterating to say the least. If you have any practical suggestions on how to imbue what I say in my profile with more emotion/passion, I'd be open to that because I do struggle to sound enthusiastic through text, without seeming like a woo-boy. Or if you have any examples of what you would consider a well done profile, to share.
  5. bump ps- I'm in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for anyone curious.
  6. I've revamped my OKCupid profile, so I figured I might as well share it on here in case there are any single women that may be interested. If that's you...send me a message! https://www.okcupid.com/profile/parad0xalist If you are female and want to give me any feedback on how I come across digitally, feel free to share.
  7. Patrick hijack away, I don't mind. Although I've always been an INTP, I have drifted towards the middle much more in recent years. For example I was perhaps 80% introverted and 20% extroverted and now it's closer to 60%, 40% based on how I answer the questions in the various tests I've taken. Also the Perceiving is only slightly ahead of Judging, some people would make it a lowercase p to indicate the lack of dominance. Marina, an ENFP would be awesome! That's what I'm on the hunt for...lol
  8. Thanks for the feedback! All I know is that I haven't had any chemistry with other INTP females I've encountered, it could be a coincidence though. We had very interesting conversations but they tended to feel formal. Posting that I am an INTP has meant that a few women have contacted me about it, it's an easy conversation starter, so for that reason I've left it up.
  9. Hello there, since FDR seems to attract a pretty thoughtful and self-aware bunch of people I figured it might be a good idea to see if there were any women (ideally in Southern Ontario, Canada but that can be negotiable) that would interested in getting to know me further. If that might be you, please send me a message! Here is my profile on OKCupid if you'd like to get to know a little more about me: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/parad0xalist ---- I'm also open to having my profile critqued by males and females alike, so please send me your constructive criticism.
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