It is possible he is using this definition, it is also possible that he did not suffer the same type of abuse that I did. My father was a high functioning alcoholic, a narcosis with a horrible quick temper. He was verbally abusive to the entire family there was constant yelling in the house. He was mentally abusive to both me and my brother and was constantly telling me that I was both stupid and unwanted. I know that we both were spanked but I was the only one really beaten. My father would take out his frustrations on me because "my brother was too sensitive". Couple that with a mother who would throw me to the wolves "my father" anytime I made a mistake. My mother would make sure I "helped" my father when he couldn't fix something in the house and was getting ramped up. She finally left with my younger sister when my brother went away to college thus leaving me alone with my horribly abusive father when I was 17, it was a nightmare. I was kicked out of the home when the family dog made a mess on the floor and sent to live with my mother who had no room for me. I left her home after a couple of weeks.
The final straw happened when I was 22, I had married "she later cheated on me" and had my first child, it was Christmas and my son was a year and a half old. When we arrived my father was sober but as the night progressed he became intoxicated. My son was in his lap and was upset because he wanted something my father got this look in his eyes and a grimace on his face and twisted my sons arm. I left shortly and decided never to speak with him again.
I know my brother did not experience the same type of abuse but any abuse should not be tolerated. I went to therapy for 3 years 3 times a week which helped a ton. My brother is currently in therapy and has been for awhile over 5 years. I would have thought any therapist worth his salt would have focused on it by now, It was the biggest issue we tackled.
It took a ton of effort at first to break contact with my Father, I was able to build a new relationship with my mother but she is kept at an arms length. My sister and especially my brother would constantly harass me to reconnect with my father. I still refuse even though its been 18 years. Over the course of that time they both broke and reconnected with him. At first whenever I talked to my brother that subject would almost always come up. I helped him understand that this is the way I felt and no amount of words would ever change my mind.
I don't think my brother has implemented any physical abuse but I think there has been some verbal abuse which I don't like at all. His wife made him go to counseling after he kept everyone in a room and not letting them leave about a year ago. I haven't heard anything negative since then.
I am going to attempt getting him to watch this series again. maybe I will use the "hey I value your opinion and I want to know what you think of this" approach.